ponds will be removed, hangars sepaeated.
Meantime I wotked on AI takeoff and landing.
So far, it is possible to takeoff and land 12 Li-2 in th north direction, 8 in the south direction - there is not enough height if 12 planes were tried, at takeoff they crash in some buildings because they cannot attain enough height above them.
As for landing from another airfiels, Swidnik can accomodate up to about 20 Li-2 planes for parking . What was the necessary number of planes according to hitorical data?
All the airflield space is covered by BlankFieldPlates, so player can takeoff and land anywhere, just bearing in mind that airfield is surrounded by the fence above 2 meters high.
Next version will be released after the corrections you submitted.
Best regards,
is here, twelwe takeoffs and landings of Li-2 ,in both northern and sourhern direction,after some trees cut away . Perhaps it might be final version ?