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Author Topic: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged  (Read 55093 times)

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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #60 on: April 19, 2015, 12:28:13 AM »

 So - if I understand it right, rivers are WIDER then before? It isn ´t good, because they aren´t wider, conversely. (besides Yu river)


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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #61 on: April 19, 2015, 02:08:05 AM »

No, I didn't make them wider. In the course of making their paths more smoothly curved, so as to take out the somewhat angular bends, their courses sometimes got a little altered. Much like the way it happens to such rivers naturally over the centuries. ;)
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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #62 on: April 19, 2015, 02:15:14 AM »

Thank you cyberolas, GilB57 and SAS~Gerax for your very kind assistance.

Strange... it seems that my previous post was deleted : I can't find it anymore ?


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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #63 on: April 19, 2015, 03:09:58 AM »

Thank you cyberolas, GilB57 and SAS~Gerax for your very kind assistance.

Strange... it seems that my previous post was deleted : I can't find it anymore ?

Perhaps it has to do with the fact the thread got cleaned up a bit? See post #39.
After all the hassle one member had with installing the Burma map?
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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #64 on: April 19, 2015, 03:16:14 AM »

So, Mr. Wxtech, if you want, you can make edited actors.static and terrain with needeing editation, because I did all terain editing and actors too for my version. I was working more than half year on this map, so you have to be patient and persistent and work and work if you want to change these thing.


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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #65 on: April 19, 2015, 12:00:48 PM »

I need not fiddle with actors.static at all. Here's what's required.

Where there are no shoreline villages/buildings: Map _h.tga will require a few tiny elevation reductions at river banks where the river has slightly moved up onto higher terrain.

Where there are villages/buildings: Map_c.tga will require to restore the former river bank position, smoothly integrating it into the new river course.

In a few places the river has intruded into the forest, and so map_T.tga should have a pixel or two here and there reassigned so that 'laker cake' trees not appear on water.

For me, personally, this work is worth the effort. As a student of geomorphology, 'blocky' river courses somewhat quantized in places to a pixelated grid is jarring to behold, and detracts too greatly to be endured. On this map rivers are a very prominent feature, and so should be rendered reasonably realistically in the smoothly curving manner of the real thing.

I'm doing this first of all for me. I thought that if anyone else might like it I'd make it available... ;)
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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #66 on: April 19, 2015, 01:52:15 PM »

ok, yes, you can, but with all these editation, what you wrote...
I want to rest from Burma, because I´m really tired from map, what I´ve seen every day, half year long.... ??? ???


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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #67 on: April 20, 2015, 12:14:01 AM »

Perhaps it has to do with the fact the thread got cleaned up a bit? See post #39.
After all the hassle one member had with installing the Burma map?
Possible; never mind, it wasn't so important,
....except my aknowledgment to Cyberolas:

Great work, once again  :)


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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #68 on: April 20, 2015, 01:20:38 AM »

Sorry Gil that was me who accidently deleted your post while cleaning.   :(
As Uufflakke correctly pointed out it happened while I deleted all the help and wild guess posts as its enough to have the most important post where a problem is defined and the post where exactly this problem is solved then. And while doing this I accidently clicked on yours post 'remove' button too. Hope you can forgive me.  ;)
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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #69 on: April 20, 2015, 01:25:53 AM »

I want to rest from Burma, because I´m really tired from map, what I´ve seen every day, half year long.... ??? ???

I think we all see and know the dedication you put into the maps reworks you did. Its simply great! Every map you did simply is a masterpiece and improves the game so much. Many thanks again for all this Cyberolas.
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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #70 on: April 20, 2015, 01:44:25 AM »

 Yes thank you very much cyberolas, I grab and use all your maps and really
appreciate all your hard work.


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Re: Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #71 on: April 20, 2015, 05:33:18 AM »

The very detailed and careful placement of structures in towns/villages along the rivers in the NW quadrant convinced me to restore the original rivers in that area. It would have required an awful lot of finicky work to 'round' out these rivers and still keep the banks in place in the towns. But over the rest of the map I've retained my smoothed rivers.

I found the BumpH files for the cultivated fields to be a bit too 'bumpy' for my taste on what should be rather smooth fields inside the boundaries. I addressed this by applying Photoshop's Smart Blur filter, with a radius of either 1.1 or 1.6 pixels and a threshold of about 4. This retains higher contrast features such as the field boundary 'walls', but smooths out the lower contrast 'roughness' on the fields themselves. The result is a notable improvement, where now the boundary 'walls' stand out rather more cleanly from the flat fields they contain.

The airfield ground BumpH was simply lowered in contrast. At the scale of the pixel size (several meters), these graded fields should not normally have features sufficient to cause shadows, except perhaps tracks/ruts. Shadow-making structures in the ground itself are more of millimeter-centimeter scale.

All the tweaking is worth the effort to me because this map is the best one in my game, and is my favorite. I hope my comments and alterations are not taken as anything other than *constructive*. I have a full appreciation of the tremendous work that this fine map entailed!
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)
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