Hello guys, much as I keep meaning to take a break from modding it seems I just cannot stop tinkering,

I have now used the files from the SAS U-2 pack to take this a stage further, essentially using the java and folders
renamed for the LVG and repalcing the body files for the LVG CF_D0:
You will now be able to switch from the pilot cockpit, rear:

To the front seat which will be student pilot or observer:

The second pilot has been attached to the CF-D0 so hopefully it will be easier to properly position them.
The original 3D of the U-2VSEX2_NEW_Bombs cockpit was for a two man crew, originally pilot and gunner, I may now have to put
that 3D into gmax and remove one cockpit and use that to create new front and rear cockpits, maybe all the other parts will
require the same treatment and everything altered in the respective hier files to get it all lined up and looking correct.
The original aircraft was essentially a recon/spotter aircraft with the observer up front and pilot to the rear, later all three versions
were actually converted into trainers but the current version you have is intended to be a trainer so I am going to duplicate the
controls in both cockpits, maybe I can then create a second aircraft for use as a observer type with a different front cockpit.
Anyway, this will all take time to do properly so for now you at least do have the type in a slot of its own.

Hopefully if I can do this correctly it will creat ready made cockpits for anyone wishing to make a trainer version of their
favourite type for WWI, Avro 504 please anybody.

take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.