Yes, another 4.12 campaign update:

This is a semi-historical, 6-mission static campaign, set during the late summer of 1944. You are a member of Sentai 70, a Japanese Home Defense unit that has been leading a quiet life ever since the war started. But that is about to change. American B-29 Superfortresses, based in China, has started to attack the Japanese home islands. This is a major threat. Either this air offensive will be halted, or Japan will lose the war. But if the Americans have a super bomber, the Japanese have something to fight it with, their new super fighter: the Nakajima Ki-44 "Shoki" - or "Demon"...
Download it here: BACKGROUND: In mid-June 1944 USAAF XX Bomber Command began flying B-29 bombing missions from bases in China against Japan. The operations continued until autumn but was not successful. The nine China- and India-based raids succeeded only in destroying ?mura's aircraft factory. At the same time the USAAF lost 125 B-29s, though only 22 or 29 were destroyed by Japanese forces; the majority of the losses were due to accidents. The attacks had a limited impact on Japanese civilian morale but forced the Japanese military to reinforce the home islands' air defenses at the expense of other areas, but these results did not justify the large allocation of Allied resources to the operation.
REQUIREMENTS: This campaign has been built in
HSFX 7. There is no need for additional uploads if you have this pack. It could very well work for
CUP and
TFM but I can't give any guarantees right now. The campaign will not work in pre-4.12-versions of the game. Note however that the older version of the campaign also comes with this download.
Included in this campaign are
8 SKINS. I only know that
Zargos did three of the Ki-44’s. The artists behind the other skins are unknown to me. At least for now. So if anyone knows please let me know, and I will credit them ASAP.
Thanks for looking!