I did make a B5N2 with 2x7.7mm nose guns in old MScfs2
but the B5N2 nose 2x7.7mm seems to be a myth created by US TAIC incorrect assessment, that was continually copied post 1945 by English language publications. There is no photos of nose guns or cowl holes in any B5N2 pictures, or mention of them in Japanese publications.
The first 70 B6N1/Tenzan had a single 7.7 in port wing.
This would suggest that only B5N1s were equipped with forward-firing guns,
Not sure, but B6N1 may be where the above idea came from?
The mixed B5N loads like ?x60 + 1X250 are doable, this load seems to be for attacking airfield or land targets.
...usually.....The B5N1 had two side-by-side 1x3 racks for 6 small bombs, these were seperate bomb mounts attached to a rail.
the later B5N2 had three lengthways 2x1 racks for 6 small bombs, which were a more integrated bomb mounts....usually...
There were basically 3 weapon centrelines,
1)central fuselage (3x60kg)
1)starboard half of fuselage (1xtorpedo, 1x800kg bomb, 1x250kg, 3x60kg)
3) starboard wing behind wheel well (1x250kg or 1x60)
Maru Mechanic lists 7x60kg were possible, and
kodochoshos that showed B5N2's loaded with 7 X 60kg bombs on missions in early 1942 when kido butai went south to the New Guinea area.
but the 3x250kg many sites lists does not appear possible to fit with early war mounts.