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Author Topic: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering  (Read 28694 times)

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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2015, 03:18:07 AM »

SAS~Storebror Hello mike it is not a case of giving up early i was here a few years ago, had this exact same problem with a different computer tried everything and got nowhere surely i could not be that unlucky. Thing is I am no techy and would have to take my puter to the shop where it will sit for a week gathering dust before they even look at it....THEN i will be charged $100 only to find the problem is still there anyway it has happened before I have no confidence in the computer technicians here. I do blow the dust out of the thing with a small air compressor and following your suggestion it is a temperature issue I ran my 6 minute test video again with the Vis. distance set to high so it would stutter bad (it did) my min FPS this time was 4 FPS. I used a small program which by default records the minimum and maximum temperatures of the CPUs and the GPU it is called RealTemp it can also do a log file but I did not worry about it.

Here are the maximum CPU temperatures while running IL-2 with all the stuttering going on;

... and the Video card as well as well.....

By way of comparison all 4 CPUs and the GTX 770 run considerably warmer than this while playing Rise Of Flight where there is no stutter at all so really I am at a loss. Thank you for your time.


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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2015, 03:35:19 AM »

... since RoF gives you better fps, then there must be a setting somewhere that porks your IL2 experience ...  ;)

Could be your NVidia panel settings ...


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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2015, 03:44:35 AM »

I would try to go the lane as well Mick suggests here..can you try another GFX card like an older MSD one? I use an old HD 5770 still, not a giant, but sufficient for most missions.


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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2015, 04:05:21 AM »

Hi guys; I tried every combination of Control Panel/Conf.ini configuration when I first installed this game and encountered the stutter problem. I ran my test track time and again making one alteration at a time then doing the same with conf.ini - it took me more than a week and the only change occurred when I dropped vis.distance to the lowest setting, I can max out everything else and as long as i leave vis. distance at zero there is no problem with stutter. I would be happy to leave it at that except VisibilityDistance=0 creates other annoying issues such as disappearing propellers and wonder-woman Lancaster. No I am not prepared to install the old AMD card which also had this same problem (and i had to do that stupid atiolg.dll thing) but thank you anyway. Cheers  :)


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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2015, 07:31:49 AM »

A very crazy idea just popped up on me:
Your CPU (like mine) has an integrated GPU.
What if your IL-2 runs on the CPU-GPU instead of your graphics card?
Depending on your Motherboard it might be able to do that.
Mine is not, so I'm not that big of a help when it comes to find the setting that ensures running IL-2 on a dedicated graphics card, but I'm quite confident this has been done before, so maybe some other (laptop?) user might be able to say a word or two regarding that matter.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2015, 10:21:35 AM »

I'm not that big of a help when it comes to find the setting that ensures running IL-2 on a dedicated graphics card
or that

I think if it was the case RoF wouldn't work so good but you can check IL2 profile settings btw, make sure its  "IL2 Sturmovik:Forgotten battles + Ace Expansion pack (il2fb.exe)" and not just IL2.exe, il2.exe settings wont work unless you have some very early version of the game.


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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2015, 11:35:30 AM »

Try water = 2




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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2015, 01:29:36 AM »

Thanks for all your help guys I probably wont get to try the CPU/GPU idea until the weekend when I have more time it seems like some mucking about will be involved I have an MSI Z68MA-G43 (G3) mainboard which has it's own VGA port and DVI-D port so.....I guess i plug the monitor into that??? The geeks who put it together put tape over the built in ports for some reason. It doesn't solve the problem of why my PC hates IL-2 but I will give it a go.

marcost I did try that when testing all the conf.ini settings. There is not much water on the Berlin map the stuttering occurs over buildings. I did test water=4 with the Carsmaster Mod activated and using the net8Islands map and got consistent >50 FPS so water=4 does not seem to be a problem. Only visibility distance affects this PC thanks for your advice.  :)

Chupacabras84 Where do I find the Profile settings? Thanks


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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2015, 02:01:23 AM »

What I might do first is install and run this test again to see if the CPU performance has slipped at all. I know Fire Strike is direct X and not open GL but it does stress out the puter.

With this first picture you can see the jump in performance I get from the same rig with the GTX 770 compared to with the old AMD HD6970

This one shows my previous CPU score (physics) as well as a world comparison. Mine is not too bad specially when you consider that many of the 'high end gaming PCs' would be overclocked as well and I don't do that.



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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2015, 03:56:58 AM »

I just ran the Unigine Valley benchmark in Open GL to see if there was a problem. 1600 x 900 is my max monitor resolution and v-sync was also on. The minimum 20.9 FPS (set at ultra quality) is still much better than the ridiculous 4 to 18 FPS in IL-2 Sturmovik.



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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2015, 04:05:26 AM »

I have an MSI Z68MA-G43 (G3) mainboard which has it's own VGA port and DVI-D port so.....I guess i plug the monitor into that??? The geeks who put it together put tape over the built in ports for some reason.
Yep, that's good so. Leave the tape there and don't plug any cable in.

You can give your CPU a shot and see how it performs on a single thread by running e.g. a tiny tool called "QwikMark" which comes with no installer, just the executable:
When you ran that tool, please tell us the GFLops reported for your CPU.
It doesn't make sense to run dozens of other games for comparison, it tells you absolutely nothing about your IL-2 issue.

Additionally, please send us your full conf.ini.
Please make sure to use
code tags around your conf.ini contents in order to keep your post readable. Thanks.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: My experience with IL-2 and Stuttering
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2015, 08:28:46 AM »

Dsmith71, can you measure your average fps using the Black Death track?
That would give me a clue about the nature of the problem.
Btw what modpack are you using?
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