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Author Topic: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module pt08! (should improve fps)  (Read 35222 times)

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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2015, 02:13:31 AM »

I tend to disagree 249RIP; the logic behind those lightened air.ini files is to reduce the workload for the sim by reducing the number of planes for a given air.ini;
so why remove planes and then add some other again later?
for example, which Jap planes would you leave out to maybe include the new Irving or the Ki-48 instead;
if you want to include certain planes from tooslow´s adders, I would rather add them manually to a given planeset, see how the FPS situation looks like afterwards and then add some more or leave them out entirely;
and when Simon adds some more stuff in the future planewise, the newbies here will again start to report their usual 60% crashes because by then, there will be at least 3 versions of air.ini files in circulation - Simons stock one, tooslow´s one and the lightened ones from here...exactely the situation Simon did not want to create;
so I think merging two alternative air.ini files is only for the more advanced modders and only if you really want to have that specific aircraft included in your install;
and even then, it might be more simple to just add that plane manually...

btw, from what i have read, those lightened air.ini files might create problems in campaigns too; these mission load null errors seem to me like there might be some planes missing that are referenced by planes that are in the lightened air.ini files;
I only have experienced that with the Me-109Z and PBY-5 Catalinas on DBW and could never resolve these issues in DBW, so I left both out finally.
might be that these lightened air.ini files also suffer from such a problem; only more experience in using them might show the problems...
other than that, well done Chupa :)


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2015, 03:03:49 AM »

btw, from what i have read, those lightened air.ini files might create problems in campaigns too; these mission load null errors seem to me like there might be some planes missing that are referenced by planes that are in the lightened air.ini files;
About that null error, as for now I encountered it only in QMB and it was easily fixed by clicking "Chose side: Allies /Axis" button in the top right corner of the screen.
Of course if anyone experience any bugs in actual campaign then do tell but only after trying 'stock air.in' which I included for campaigns just to prevent those kinds of issues.
other than that, well done Chupa :)
Thanks, any word on performance gains?
I am trying to figure out whether it affects only weaker PC's or stronger as well and what is average performance boost.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2015, 04:36:45 AM »

I did not test them as I have good performance across the whole sim and whole CUP...
what I have gathered so far is that RAM settings in the Selector as well as your actual CPU and graphic card may have an influence, but you can also gain some fps with good conf.ini settings;
it is really fiddling around and trying everything with settings, so there might me more things that affect actual fps;
for example, if a mission is heavy on static objects, this will also have an effect, no matter how light the air.ini is;
or the effects for example....


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2015, 07:34:04 AM »

What about if Chupa taught us to fish instead of giving us the fish?

If you are brave enough to tweak it yourself, go for it.
You only need to know how to read a log, edit a text file and put a JSGME mod together.

In the case of Chupa's pre-sets, the Axis-Soviet pack did not have Hurricanes so it was up to me to add them and away we go... one more custom air.ini floating around.

I would tend to think that when dealing only with text files (air.ini and logs) and not java classes or sfs, we could teach people to fish.... maybe I am just a dreamer !   



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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2015, 03:53:54 AM »

I did not test them as I have good performance across the whole sim and whole CUP...
what I have gathered so far is that RAM settings in the Selector as well as your actual CPU and graphic card may have an influence, but you can also gain some fps with good conf.ini settings;
it is really fiddling around and trying everything with settings, so there might me more things that affect actual fps;
for example, if a mission is heavy on static objects, this will also have an effect, no matter how light the air.ini is;
or the effects for example....

Yes the never ending conf.ini tweak. I tried all that - the different RAM settings too and the only thing that made a difference was setting visibility distance to low it did not matter how high or low the other graphics settings were. Soon i will have CUP back on my puter and will be able to give the lightened air.ini a go.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2015, 02:45:10 AM »

Thanks for a brilliant idea!  I have not yet noticed slowdowns but will test this carefully.  The beauty of the CUP setup is that with all the aircraft in SFS format, and a clean mod folder, we can play about with the air.ini in this way.

These air.inis are packed, by date, as JSGME Options for ease of use. - Excellent!


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2015, 04:29:59 AM »

What about if Chupa taught us to fish instead of giving us the fish?
These air.inis are packed, by date, as JSGME Options for ease of use. - Excellent!
Glad you like it, there are some points I would like to highlight though.
Lets take for example, 1942-1945 and how I come up with it.

I searched plane.properties for planes that have 1942-1945 in description and copied only those entries.
It was done using automated tools in Notepad++ so it took seconds.

He-111H-12      He 111 H-12, 1942
Bf-109G-6_Mid   Bf-109G-6 Tall Tail, 1943
P-51D-5NT       P-51D-5NT, 1944
SpitfireF22     Spitfire F.Mk 22, 1945

For example.
This step gave me planes for particular time period.

After this I used other tools to separate first entry of every plane Bf-109G-6_Mid from not needed now, second part Bf-109G-6 Tall Tail, 1943
Of course it was done automatically and not manually so, again, it took me mere seconds.
I had to do this step because I needed a list, only one plane per line and without additional spaces, tabs and everything else.

In the next step I used entries I got and added them to spelling dictionary word list in notepad++
I did this because there were tools to find differences but I couldn't find tools to find similarities so I used spell-checker.

After this I opened up air.ini and enabled spell checker.
As a result it highlighted only those planes that weren't in the entries added which means everything 1936-1941 and 1946-1955.
Which I had to delete manually but since it was already highlighted it was easy and fast.
Here is an example how it looks to me, just delete everything in red and you good to go.

Looks like a lot but in practice, it takes minutes to set up what ever age period you want.

With this solution you have planes released to service in 42-45 but, it doesnt contain planes from 40 or 41 which would need to be here if I was making a war theatre.
So, if you are looking for actual theatres, its better to use US&UK/Soviets vs Axis, Pacific Theatre and Stock game air.ini.
Air.ini segregated by year is just for more diverse planeset in QMB and for people who like to play on-line with friends on private servers.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2015, 12:10:35 AM »

Thanks a lot Chupacabras ! This mod improve my fps.
Now it will be interessant to see the limit of planes that don't affect the fps.
Anyway with the stock water mod it's a keeper! :)


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2015, 12:40:12 AM »

Now it will be interessant to see the limit of planes that don't affect the fps.
From what I gather, it depends on planes themselves as well.
For example, Pacific_theatre_air.ini have 576 planes and UK_&_USA_vs_Aixs only 465 and yet, I can add few planes to Pacific_Theatre_air.ini and I can barely fit UK and USA (I even had to drop a few planes to keep framerate).
I think German planes are more 'heavy' than others but I have no idea why that is.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2015, 04:39:18 PM »

What about if Chupa taught us to fish instead of giving us the fish?

If you are brave enough to tweak it yourself, go for it.
You only need to know how to read a log, edit a text file and put a JSGME mod together.

In the case of Chupa's pre-sets, the Axis-Soviet pack did not have Hurricanes so it was up to me to add them and away we go... one more custom air.ini floating around.

I would tend to think that when dealing only with text files (air.ini and logs) and not java classes or sfs, we could teach people to fish.... maybe I am just a dreamer !

Personally, I think we need new campaigns and missions now and its nice to see some coming through now.   The Air.INI could easily be associated with theatres or campaigns as desired and the whole package updated if necessary.  The principle is good though.  Using JSGME to swap out a small file is quick and safe.



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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2015, 12:57:29 AM »

I have tweak my air.ini to remove planes i don't want.
Is it necessary to remove the entire line or just put "//" in front of the name? Are result the same? Thanks


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2015, 05:23:54 AM »

Are result the same?

yes. But I would use // as its easier to restore the entries
when you change your mind.  ;)
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