412,2 SAS modact 5,3: I assume you fly Yak-3. Please provide similar
info in future.
I installed the mod to see...
reticle zoomed out !
reticle zoomed in ! Mat points to Reticle2.tga of Yak-9. Compared to "Reticle" single ring, "Reticle2" has two rings.
Reticle2.tga.CLOCK Although the needle is hard to see, it is there. All my needles are there. Mat points to Yak-1 prib_four.tga
TEMPERATURE TEMPERATUREWe don't see temperature gauge at all in your pic. Your game variant and video sizes
zoom a bit differently... In your reticle,
you seem to have
both zoom at the same time however... a tiny little bit strange: like a huge white cross and extra outer white circle(s)
can be seen. As for the needles, some are just hard to see,
but all are there in my 412,2sas.
prib_four.tga Clock needles are the ones left of red knob.
Also 1 x temperature gauge in upper right center... Note I named my file
! ! ! Kabiny5 to be sure it loads first.
I may change that according to needs, if rank of mod about any of these planes is an issue. But now have none, I think.
Some more reticle comments:
I think you have a
yellow and white dual show of the same thing.
The white show is way bigger then the yellow one..
Your screeny shows cockpit-frame more rounded, and mine more angular. Either different cockpit, better msh, or you are HD, and I'm not.
I suspect for U there is already some 3D improvement mod applied on this cockpit.That's all I can say: this is not HSFX nor vp I have..
( ...no reticle spotted in next post 3Dmod; so maybe in HSFX or modpack... but same advice still goes... )Addendum; it may be that the
3D improvement has his own reticle . So now there is two.
I would disable Reticle.mat of relevant plane in mod and see what happens: run with previous
existing Reticle instead of the new one. In your pic. what you have is my first picture, likely,
and not the second one. I suspect you will retain the smaller yellow reticles, unless you can find where these are, and work on them instead.
Note: my reticle acts in reverse logic: unzoomed bigger; zoomed smaller ! Very strange. Possibly yours ( yellow ) do not do that.