hi, somebody please help me figure out what the deal is with this mod, in my modact 530 game.
i added the folders and see that some planes now have mines as loadout, but there's a problem trying to get any of the planes working - pretty much all of them are giving me a 60% ctd, so i must be missing some files....
first it crashed with the He-111-6B, which i seem to have no files of - i rem'd that out, and then it crashed with the next plane, the Swordfish II, for which i had installed the fully working 412 Swordfish linked earlier in the thread.
if i look in the accompanying !_AerialMinesCods folder, there is a 3do folder with sub-folders for the TB-3, but nothing for any of the other planes mentioned in the readme.
seems to me i'm missing something, but what.....?
edit: i refer specifically to this part of the install instructions:
I included a folder with specially modded planes to present the various mines of each country (you'll need to include the attached additions to the air ini in order to fly them)
UK mines - Swordfish MkIIB
Soviet mines DB-3T-B
German Mines He-111H-6B
Japanese mines B5N2M
Italian mines Re2002S
US mines A-20CS
Air.ini additions for these planes:
SwordfishMk.IIB air.SW2_B 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
He-111H-6B air.HE_111H6B 2 g01 WINTER
B5N2M air.B5N2M 2 ja01 DESERT
RE-2002S air.RE_2002S 2 i01 SUMMER
A-20CS air.A_20CS 1 usa01 SUMMER
now, as all these planes are causing me a 60% ctd (as i expected, as there is no info/files for these planes anywhere other than this instruction....), i think it's safe to assume that i maybe don't have this folder that's being referred to.... ?
what is the name of this folder? where should it be? where do i find it...? lol - so many questions, so little time ...

another edit: okay, i see that in the first post, that section that i just quoted from the readme is actually lined through - what's the story? there's no explanation for it - maybe better to just delete that text, or not?