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Author Topic: Couple of questions about dynamic campaigns with DCG?  (Read 2241 times)

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Raven Morpheus

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Couple of questions about dynamic campaigns with DCG?
« on: May 29, 2015, 05:29:49 AM »

Hey all

I finally got DCG 3.47 to work with a Battle of Britain DCG campaign, but I have a couple of questions regarding DCG.

1.  The BoB DCG campaign I've download has 4 parts available to select, will the campaign automatically start the next part, or do I have to do that manually, I've never got to the end of even a stock DGEN campaign part to see what happens next, that I know of?

2.  Does DCG stop me running stock DGEN campaigns, or addon dynamic campaigns that work with the stock DGEN?


EDIT - nevermind, doesn't matter as I've found that I can't play the BoB DCG campaign I downloaded as I get 1 fps sitting on the runway and the mission complete message comes up as soon as my flight leader takes off!!!

I guess for Battle of Britain stuff I'll have to stick to Cliffs of Dover.


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Re: Couple of questions about dynamic campaigns with DCG?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2015, 12:43:55 PM »

1.  The BoB DCG campaign I've download has 4 parts available to select, will the campaign automatically start the next part, or do I have to do that manually, I've never got to the end of even a stock DGEN campaign part to see what happens next, that I know of?

Answer: Yes, the campaign will advance automatically to the next phase when you complete a part of the campaign.

2.  Does DCG stop me running stock DGEN campaigns, or addon dynamic campaigns that work with the stock DGEN?

Answer: If DCG is loaded and you choose a stock campaign, it will try to load a DCG equivalent campaign. If you wish to run a stock campaign with DGEN, uncheck the Mode--> Offline Career (full auto-generation) mode in the DCG menu. Turn it back on the use DCG again.

Regarding the performance issues you experienced, run the Run --> Setup Wizard in the DCG menu. This will allow you to change the aircraft and object density settings. You probably have too many aircraft loaded in your game. Remember that the Setup Wizard settings will not take effect until you click the Generate Mission button on your main DCG screen.



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Re: Couple of questions about dynamic campaigns with DCG?
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2015, 07:56:14 AM »

my group is flying an online coop DCG BoB campaign.  HSFX plus Channel map.  A lot of the missions are a bit repetitive (i.e. protect London) but it works OK.
I'll see if I can zip it up altogether and post it for DL (if you're interested).


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Re: Couple of questions about dynamic campaigns with DCG?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 01:36:50 AM »

i would like to run BoB DCG offline, but, well, not very expert on DCG yet (read lowengrin but many doubts), so, if i can ask you some help:
- i installed DCG but do in the "stock" dcg campaign i find BoB but when i start it i have an almost empty screen ... if i understand i need maps etc just for BoB non on stock dg installation ... but i do not find them

i ask you some short questions on dcg:
- does a offline dcg campaing always start with the palyer at the lowest rank or you can start as a flight leader ? and during the campaign you progress on the rank based on your (player) performance during the missions ?
- does the TAB commands work (if you are flight/squadron leader) as in dgen campaigns ?
- could you please tell me if they run on 4.12 hsfx 7 ? if you do not know, on which configuration do you run them ?

thank you very much for your help


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Re: Couple of questions about dynamic campaigns with DCG?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2015, 04:32:39 PM »

Dont know which mod packs do you want to use with DCG (personally have still DBW) but
I have made a tutorial also for the standard installation of DCG (till point 14):

to your questions:
You can also start as a leader and yes, when you have started with a lower rank you can get promotions and medals!

Yes, In DBW some commands working others not really, depends on current waypoint positions and your rank in the flight (Flight leader or Element leader)!

Can nothing say about 4.12, no Installation!

Hope it helps!
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