From the point of view of a 4.08 dinosaur ; ...
I think it's still only the 'bomb'-like blast of an exploding A/C which does the damage to you (and other objects within a certain radius), and *never* any of the disembodied parts that fly out. It seems a not fully disrupted plane which still has something of an intact fuselage behaves as a collide-able object, but never any parts released, such as wings, wheels, engines, etc.
All the released parts are treated just as graphical items, not unlike the bullet hit debris particles.
It would be nice if the exploding plane--which does not result from or involve bombs carried--were less lethal. I feel its effect is exaggerated, both in the air and on the ground. A fighter crashing to earth does not instantly blow up any house within 50m.
But to suffer damage from debris blown out of a plane would be a nice touch. I should think that with the current modelling this might have to be done statistically. Variables to consider include:
- Distance. The nearer you are the more crowded the debris.
- Relative altitude. If you are higher, less chance of bits falling on you.
- Rate of closure. A higher relative speed adds to impact velocity.
- Time. As time elapses the cloud of debris expands and the chance of hits decreases.
There are doubles others which would refine the collision probabilities.
Anything's better than the simple blast radius 'bomb' model.
Indeed, I think I've found in my old
game that the A/C explosion when crashing to the ground has its class shared by the 250 kg bomb. When I tweak the effects of the bomb blast it's reflected in the plane ground explosion effects.
Of course, some fundamental changes could well have evolved in the game since...