Hi all!
I want to give my little contribute to this great conversion.
As by now and as noticed by other users, this mod works in 4.09 BUT conflicts with stock B-24J and old B-24D (and I'm testing also with PB4Y mods, but I guess it will be the same) disabling their landing gear (you cannot put gear off). I solved in my 4.09 installation using the patch created by Spitwulf (yes, it works in 4.09 too AND it's the only way to have all B-24 with their undercarriages working again), but the only problem is that the Spitwulf patch disables the degree increase/decrease of the bombardier sight in the B-24D-140-CO (in the old B-24D mod bombardier sight freeze, but that is a well known and never fixed problem...). So, I think that if you adjust this little feature this patch will be perfect for 4.09. By the way, right now using the mod + patch is the only way to have all B-24 (stock and modded) working. Hope this will be useful. Thank you all for your work!