I will look up my resources...
seems Yefim is the only publisher of the 450.
Don't know why he claims it to be widely publicised,
maybe as of the source, official LSK/PR instead private collection.
Sadly enough we lost a great website that was run by former Pals of Jagdbombengeschwader 37.
Their site was pretty intense source for LSK MiG-17. But sadly gone to wind, no more.
Your great uncle seemed to be likely part of Jagdfliegergeschwader 1 "Fritz Schmenkel", as he is respectively mentioned in their
honour roll. That unit was the top of the Pops amongst the Fighter units in the LSK. The first, they had the privilegue to chose
just the best to be enlisted as Pilots.
http://home.snafu.de/veith/verluste1.htmAm 04. Juli 1963
Absturz der 450, einer MiG-17PF (Werksnummer 1D01-06, Nutzungsbeginn am 16.04.1959 im FG-1) bei Grünberg, Kreis Dresden, geg. 01.30 Uhr. Der Absturz ereignet sich während einer Platzrunde bei geplanter Zwischenlandung in Dresden-Klotzsche. Der Pilot, Leutnant Arnd Eichorn, verstirbt.
http://home.snafu.de/veith/index.htmlThe author of that homepage is an expert on LSK military aviation aspects, author and co-author of varios
http://68210.webhosting25.1blu.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=41Ltn. Eichhorn, Arnd 04.07.196301:30 Uhr MiG-17 PF„450“ Beim Verbandsflug mit Zwischenlandung in Dresden stürzte das Flugzeug aus Rechtsschräglage in der Platzrunde (bei Grünberg/Kr. Dresden) ab.
Yeah, no Camo as I'm aware of, there exists no picture that shows a PF or PM in camo.
The Serial 091 Lim-5P/MiG-17PF preserved in Gatow Museum is fake allover, the real identity unknown.
http://www.ipmsdeutschland.de/FirstLook/AZ_Models/AZ_MiG-17PF/AZ_MiG-17PF_cover_h.jpgThis belongs to trouble Yefim Gordon implemented after walking through German Museums, just catching the state of art.
His Serial List is fake throughout and long proven not reliable.
Glad I could be of Help towards your Request
Have a nice day and happy Flying