Thank you Western!
Shadows are a great idea.
I am actually thinking of adding shadows to all animals and soldiers for the game in the future. It will make more realistic scenes.
I am not just painting airplanes, I must paint more better animals and soldiers. It adds life to the landscape.
Create new soldiers which we do not have.
For example,
I am researching and painting new Japanese soldiers, Japanese Navy and Air force... Late war Waffen-SS soldiers, including some very bad guys...
Civilians and workers... U.S. Marine soldiers and U.S. Navy soldiers for Pacific maps... cannibals for Islands! and also African tribesman...
Many types of World War One soldiers.... Prisoners of War and Resistance soldiers... some wounded people and Doctors... many new things.
All the old model skins will have a new make-over with some better details and all will have bigger skins. But the skin sizes will not
effect your game or game-play. I am keeping them in medium sizes - Not HD skins. So you will not have any problems.