Okay, I'll try...
First off, forget about the latest official ReShade release.
Since ReShade 3.0 there's a bug that will create an all-transparent invisible sphere around your viewpoint that is much larger than IL-2's default sphere e.g. applying in cockpits, resulting in "see-through" effects, misplacement of views etc.
The latest ReShade version working well with IL-2 is the latest ReShade 2.0 version, which is ReShade 2.0.3f1, mirrored for download here:
- Extract all contents of the 7z file to your IL-2 game folder.
- Copy "ReShade32.dll" to "opengl32.dll".
Run "ReShade Assistant.exe" in your IL-2 game folder.
On the first start, the EULA will appear in an editor window, you can just close it after reading and understanding the contents:
You will start in the "Assistant Settings" by default thereafter. I recommend to leave this untouched.
Switch to the "Profiles" tab now.
You can work with multiple profiles if you want, in that case click the "+" icon above "Default" and create a new profile.
Or you can just work with that Default profile by left-clicking it.
After selecting the profile of your choice (or default), to the left of the "Profiles" tab a new "Profile Settings" will appear.
Click on it.
Here you can setup a couple of global settings for your profile, e.g. a toggle key to enable/disable ReShade at runtime and the Screenshot key.
Yes, ReShade has it's own builtin Screenshot mechanism which - in my point of view - works much better and faster than IL-2's screenshots, and it has more output options, e.g. it can create lossless compressed png screenshots.
I'd recommend to change the Screenshot key here, as per default ReShade and IL-2 will use the same key, which in the end will result in randomly one or the other creating screenshots when you press it.
My personal setting is png screenshots, F11 as ReShade Toggle key (that is keycode "122" for ReShade) and F12 as screenshot key (keycode "123"):
Furthermore, since IIRC IL-2 doesn't support it (and I don't use it), I'm disabling the depth linearization (set to "0"):
After applying your settings, I'd recommend to save your settings here for the first time.
The reason is: The ReShade Assistant can sometimes react quite surprisingly, especially when you edit the shaders.
If that happens, the best thing to do is to just exit the ReShade Assistant
without saving, then re-enter it again and proceed from your last "Save" point.
In order to save settings, first click "Save" and then immediately "Confirm":
Now it's time to switch to the "Presets" tab. Once again, you can create your own preset or just edit the "Default" one:
Once the Preset has been selected, switch to the "Shaders" tab.
Here you can enable/disable Shaders of your choice.
Personally I am using these Shaders:
- BLOOM - CeeJay
- HDR - CeeJay
Once again, after selecting Shaders, I recommend to save settings.
Now it's time to adjust Shader Settings.
To do so, left-click right beside the name of an activated Shader.
This is when ReShade Assistant acts strange for me, e.g. it looks like this (selects multiple lines at once):
It doesn't matter much as long as the correct line is selected for real, which you can see because it's font will turn bold.
Switch to the "Shader Settings" tab now.
For the VIBRANCE shader I have toned down blue from 1.0 to 0.95:
Shader Settings done? Time to save!!!
Go back to the "Shaders" tab, select the next Shader and switch back to the "Shader Settings" again.
The next Shader in my list is LUMASHARPEN.
Here I have increased the "sharp strength" significantly from default value "0.65" to "1.50" and I have increased "sharp_clamp" from default "0.035" to "0.235":
Save Settings -> Back to Shaders -> Next Shader (BLOOM) -> Shader Settings.
Here I have increased the "BloomThreshold" value from default "20.25" to "22.25":
Save Settings -> Back to Shaders -> Next Shader (HDR) -> Shader Settings.
Here I have decreased HDRPower from default "1.30" to "1.20" and radius2 from default "0.87" to "0.85":
Save Settings (don't forget to click "Confirm"!!!), close ReShade Assistant and you're basically done.
One last step I would recommend is to create an empty file "opengl32.log" in your IL-2 folder and make it read-only.
The reason is that ReShade will try to create that log file and flood it with megabytes of useless repetive false errors.
Last but not least, here you can find the whole stuff including my settings, all ready and prepared just to drop into your IL-2 game folder, ready to go, with F11 as ReShade Toggle key, F12 as ReShade screenshot key and all shader settings set as shown above.
Note that since these settings use the "Default" profile, you will see a yellow warning message from ReShade when it first kicks in, that's because ReShade wants to be bound to a specific app (exe file) and usually uses the "Default" profile for fallback only. But that doesn't make a difference in using it.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/59h45i8paklydgj/ReShade_2.0.3f1_with_Storebror_Settings_2017-10-30.7zBest regards - Mike