Bf-109W2The Messerschmidt design team were initially tasked with developing a fast reconnaissance aircraft to replace the Arado Ar-196 that was currently in service with the Kriegsmarine.
Their design utilized the twin floats from the Ar-196 mounted on a Bf-109F. It was given the designation Bf-109W, however, the project never made it off the drawing board.
Blohm & Voss were to take up the project, if it went ahead, and so they submitted a few designs of their own. One of the most promising designs looks to have been a
development of the Japanese fighter based float planes. This is how the revised design, with the designation Bf-109W2, might have looked.

Download : 
Mod created from original work by :
Anto, Crazyflak, Freddy, Greif11, JapanCat, Maddox:1C, PA-Jeronimo, SAS
1) Ensure you have 4.12.2m running ModAct 5.2 or later
2) Extract the Bf-109W2 file to your #SAS directory
3) Select the appropriate "summer" folder - note 2048 is default
3) Add the air.ini line as per below
Please Note: Existing Bf-109G skins will map to the basic airframe however, the cockpit has been mapped to a separate tga and that space on the main skin is used to map the floats.
A photoshop template of the float UVW layer is provided for skinners._____________________________________________________________________________________
Add to air.ini :
Bf-109W2 air.BF_109W2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER