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Author Topic: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07  (Read 17692 times)

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C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:48:32 PM »

C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07

JTW - Pt-06B is superceded/included in Pt-07. 

INSTALL - If you are up to date, as far as JTW-Part-06 or JTW-Part-06B - Simply UnZIP/UnRAR to your main Il2 Directory and over-write.


F-16 beta v5 - Ranwers

Ranwers latest update gives us FIVE new F-16s, for a total of SEVEN Variants!  The Vipers all get a weapons overhaul; becoming proper bomb-trucks as well as BVR Fighters with AGM65 Mavericks adding stand-off SEAD capability too.

Modern jets in Il2 MODS have come a long way.  Like the MiG-21, Su-25, F/A18 and AV8B, the F-16 has developed into a fully functional modern combat fastjet with a full suite of avionics and weapons for the modern battlefield.

Until now, only Falcon-4 fully illustrated the F-16 and remained the best simulation if you really wanted to fly and fight with the Viper.  Other sims offered nice eye-candy models, I know, I have them all, from Strike Fighters SFP1, Digital Integration, DiD, FSX to DCS... 

Nevertheless, for function; dogfighting, SAMs, CCIP, LGBs, Mavs etc, Falcon-4, and its derivatives, remained the benchmark if you actually wanted to take a Fighting Falcon into combat - Until now!

CUP JTW presents a full mission builder environment, with many other star aircraft, ships, tanks and vehicles, a host of supporting players and a massive set of maps; making this the ultimate F-16 Sim!  I could not be happier!

As another bonus we have included the Hangar-19 setup for Edwards AFB.  This is a QMBPRO scenario used for testing fast-jets and UFOs.  Now you can have it too, look for JTW-Edwards_AFB.  There are two Red-Team Scenarios; In Flight and Parked, and one Blue team scenario, called Aggressors. 

If you start in-flight a Secondary recon-point (green) will help you orient and locate KEDW.

This will be the basis for a Top-Gun training campaign and mission Set.  Try them out now in the incredibly flexible QMBPRO.  We are still building ever more elaborate and detailed scenery for the place, look out for for more updates soon.

Also included is another QMBPRO for JTW-Navy Trials:  This scenario set allows for instant setup on-deck for Colossus Class and larger angled deck carriers for modern take-off and recovery tests.  Select your flight and hit autopilot to see the aircraft start and set itself up on the steam powered cat.  All scenarios include a Plane-Guard, the SAR Helo, that overflys the launch and recovery pattern during those phases.  These are setup for the Red Team...

Also included is another vintage classic:

DH112 Venom and Sea-Venom - OC-Tiger - Development of Gio963tto's DH Vampire. - Full Readme and Credits included:

1 - Gio1963+ / CW / Edlor ... For the Vampire
2 - CW / Ghost ... FM work
3 - CW / Ghost / Slipper ... Classfile work
4 - CW ... New slot
5 - Barnsey12 ... New wheels / New Pilot 3d
6 - Ghost / OC-Tiger ... New Venom 3d additions
7 - OC-Tiger ... New Template / Skins (16)
8 - Hamm66 / Slipper / Tofolo ... Test Flying / Bug hunting


Compressed to SFS format, uniquely for C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age.  We're having fun now Morg!

C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07

CUP Manual V05



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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 10:07:38 PM »

Thank You, again.

Peter Lynn

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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 10:46:45 PM »

Thank you for this! Most intriguing, especially with the Sea Venom!

Peter Lynn


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 12:04:33 PM »

Awesome Simon - always like it when we don't hear from you for a while, as normally means you are slaving away behind the scenes bringing us amazing goodies  8) Thanks very much for latest installments!   


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 04:01:37 PM »

Thank you for more great stuff.A few years ago i test drove cars for Hyundai/Kia which is next door to Edwards.If you look at a satellite map you can see the track layout slightly northwest of Edwards.While on the oval track doing 100 mph i had a B1 come straight at me at low level which was awesome and i got to see the B2 a couple of times flying low level.I worked 3rd shift for a bit and the only lights allowed on (per request from Edwards) were around the main building area.Saw some lights in the night sky that moved in ways that i cant explain.We even got buzzed by a blacked out helicopter while going to our cars one night.Scared the shite out of me!One of our drivers had been on the team that made the SR71 and he brought in some albums full of pictures of the project which was really cool to see.When i saw you made a Edwards AFB map i just had to share some of my experiences working in that area.Thanks again for all your hard work to make this sim the best. :) :) :)


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2015, 05:23:27 PM »

Thank you for more great stuff.A few years ago i test drove cars for Hyundai/Kia which is next door to Edwards.If you look at a satellite map you can see the track layout slightly northwest of Edwards.While on the oval track doing 100 mph i had a B1 come straight at me at low level which was awesome and i got to see the B2 a couple of times flying low level.I worked 3rd shift for a bit and the only lights allowed on (per request from Edwards) were around the main building area.Saw some lights in the night sky that moved in ways that i cant explain.We even got buzzed by a blacked out helicopter while going to our cars one night.Scared the shite out of me!One of our drivers had been on the team that made the SR71 and he brought in some albums full of pictures of the project which was really cool to see.When i saw you made a Edwards AFB map i just had to share some of my experiences working in that area.Thanks again for all your hard work to make this sim the best. :) :) :)

That's wonderful timmy1963!  My favourite KEDW layouts are in Orbiter and FSX where I spend a lot of time flying the X-15 and landing the STS.  I have often seen that racetrack on approach.  We have the start of a basic layout on the desert map and the geography is similar.

Next I would like to add more outbuildings, moving scenery, lights and sound.  Don't forget that you can open the mission from QMBPRO directly into FMB and go populate the mission scenery as you see fit.  Its well worth playing around in there with FMB and I expect we could share a number of versions.

As eMeL pointed out over the weekend, we really need some modern hangar objects.  Different time periods would also be interesting.  It is so easy to open it up in QMBPRO then FMB and have a go at it yourself.  We need to do the parking lot and I want to put a few more hangars in there too, maybe with some retro-fitted UFOs and such...



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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2015, 05:58:16 PM »

That is cool you can see the oval track!I'll have to try and populate that map.The satellite image of Edwards is a big help for placement of objects.I'll give it a go and let you know.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2015, 02:42:00 AM »

Here's the Bell X-1A SG in FSX.  Took these on the weekend.  Maybe one day...



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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2015, 10:03:57 AM »

First of all, thank you Simon and the developers!

Now, can someone explain to me how to take off the carriers with the F-16?  I launch with full afterburner and 28 degrees of flap and end up in the water?  Also, on the ski jump carrier I just run into the ramp and explode?  However, the autopilot has no problem on any of the carriers????



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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2015, 11:13:12 AM »

First of all, thank you Simon and the developers!

Now, can someone explain to me how to take off the carriers with the F-16?  I launch with full afterburner and 28 degrees of flap and end up in the water?  Also, on the ski jump carrier I just run into the ramp and explode?  However, the autopilot has no problem on any of the carriers????

Well I could say pratice makes perfect but what is the cats set to 25/35 or 45. The autopilot automatically sets things right and off you go wild blue younder. Now also what cv are you using for the16


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2015, 01:42:20 PM »

First of all, thank you Simon and the developers!

Now, can someone explain to me how to take off the carriers with the F-16?  I launch with full afterburner and 28 degrees of flap and end up in the water?  Also, on the ski jump carrier I just run into the ramp and explode?  However, the autopilot has no problem on any of the carriers????

Well I could say pratice makes perfect but what is the cats set to 25/35 or 45. The autopilot automatically sets things right and off you go wild blue younder. Now also what cv are you using for the16

I have tried all 4 of the carriers in the QMB mission "Navy Trials" that came with this new update.  Here is what is in my "conf.ini" in the "Mods" section pertaining to catapults:


Note:  I can use the ski jump with a Harrier without exploding and I can takeoff.  I can also takeoff of the other 3 carriers with a harrier (using the cat).


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-07
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2015, 10:50:57 PM »

It may be your realism settings in 'Difficulty'.

Accessed through QMB prior to launch - realistic landings.

Or, could it be?  You ain't launching with the Steam Cats!!!!!!!@#@$@%@^@&

Check the rough guide below...  8)

Once you find yourself on-deck in the scenario your options are:

Manual Launch
1-Start and spool-up
2-Un-Chock and taxi to the cat
3-Stop and re-chock
4-Check the position on the cat

The aircraft should 'snap' into position ready for launch.

5-Wingfold down - if necessary.
6-Flaps to takeoff
7-Final turn-up - full power
8-trim up a little
9-Un-chock launches the steam-cat

Semi Autolaunch:
1-Hit Autopilot.
2-Auto starts - Spools - positions you on cat when ready.
3-Cut Autopilot just before launch and take control.

Full Autolaunch
1-Hit Autopilot
2-AP Does everything
3-Wake me up when we are airborne

Ski Jump launch for VTOLS
1-Start and spool-up
2-Wing Incidence to 45`
3-Flaps to takeoff
4-Power to full military
5-Un-chock and run at the ski-jump

Here are some updates and expansions for The Jet Age QMBPRO

Now with six types of Carrier to try out

UnZIP/UnRAR Direct to your main Il2 install directory and overwrite


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