My intention was to show an Avia B.35, but I looked for a photo where the insignia didn't betray the country of origin.
I came across to this one which is claimed to depict a 1:1 scale model e.g. here: myself am not completely sure what the heck is it, but I tend to accept that this is really a pre-prototype wooden model. Hence the three-blade prop and the somewhat different formal features that Radoye observed.
All in all, I think all of you guys are right: it was intended as an Avia B.35 (Gatrasz), it is significantly different from any built Avia B.35 (Radoye), and it is significantly similar to a Curtiss prototype (Cpt. Dawson). If anyone knows the truth, please tell me. Till then the baton goes to Gatrasz.