Sorry guys: it's not meant to be easy, but challenging. And i see your curiosity is waking up
As i said, it's true this is only a drawing (well, now i must admit i'm not sure if a drawing is fully legit), but:
-it's a known project (it could be found on internet) from a known airplane designer. Well.. then, expatriated, but it's NOT a "nemo propheta in patria" situation, he designed successful planes (and not only) in his birthplace.
-the "base" plane was built, and flew. it flew very well, albeit with another powerplant. And it was a taildragger. And Air Forces needs were rapidly changing in those years. Nevertheless, fuselage, wings, and tail are the same: to be more precise, it was meant to be the SAME plane, with some differences.
said so, no Alekseyev, no Me.262.