I fully agree with Gatrasz. And to add another possible detail (beyond those that Mike observed in ##), the vertical stabilizer of the HM-1 is nearly symmetric in shape, the leading edge has almost the same strong curvature as the rearward rudder part. Very little from the tail section is seen on the blurry quest image, but the leading edge of the vertical stabilizer, seen distorted by perspective, doesn't seem to have the same strong curvature.
I admit that the position of the canopy fits the HM-1 best, but as Mike rightly brought up, here we may have to deal with an unknown modification of a plane X, where the quest plane does not completely match any candidate for X.
James argues that it must have been derived from the HM-1, while Mike, Gatrasz and myself argue that it may have been derived from another type as well.
James made a hypothesis, which is the best so far, but not convincing enough to regard this quest as fully resolved IMHO.