.......ah, all quiet on the western front.....
Looks like there's no fish balloon experts available, so I'll reveal all....
The first one is a project suggested by M de Saint-Just in 1784 on seeing the Montgolfier brothers first attempt
He thought making the balloon like a fish would increase it's speed & maneuverability.......forgot to add landing gear

The second one is the Pauly & Egg Dolphin ( I'm not making this up)
Made by S.J Pauly and Durs Egg in 1816 in Knightsbridge England. It was 90ft long 24ft wide and 30ft high filled with Hydrogen
Was propelled and steered by oars and had a movable weight on a line from the car to the tail for balancing
Unfortunately Pauly died before the ship was completed and the project was abandoned

I originally thought oars would be rubbish to steer and propel any sort of flying machine......and then I saw this
https://www.festo.com/group/en/cms/10224.htmPerhaps Pauly & Egg were right after all

Anyway, enough of this piscean diversion