Here you can see the last prototype of the F-35 LOTR in lockheed Martin's top secret base
Clearly you can see the thin layer of gold, forged by sauron in the mountain of destiny, which gives the power of invisibility like a bilbo baggins.
This obviously gets you the post of the day award

Back to the quest. This is much more my cup of tea, modern arts.
We're watching men working in an air force's workshop in Malmslätt, near Linköping (Sweden), called "Centrala Flygverkstaden i Malmslätt" (CVM) in that time in 1929, which started as "Flygkompaniets Verkstäder i Malmslätt" (FVM) in 1918, later to be acquired by Saab.
Here in 1929, the men are completing wings for "S 6" reconnaisance aircraft, which were license built Fokker C.V-E:

There has also been a license production of the sister plane Fokker C.V-D which was used as a fighter with the designation "J 3", later renamed to "S 6A".
The C.V-D differed from the C.V-E by it's wingspan (12.5m for the C.V-D vs. 15.3m for the C.V-E) and, logically, the armament.
In total Sweden operated 30 S 6 recon planes, 6 of which were bought from Fokker and 24 licensed production aircraft.
Of the S 6A fighter, only one was produced in Sweden and another eight were imported from Fokker.
Later another 10 "S 6B" were produced in Sweden, these were C.V-E type recon planes re-engined with the stronger Bristol Mercury VI engine of 600hp, license built by NOHAB (Nydqvist & Holm AB) in Trollhättan (Sweden), to replace the Bristol Jupiter VI engines of 450hp which originally powered the C.V-E.
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