Thanks DHumphrey.
Blue Hawaiian... "you" have the EC 130, which is not too far from the 135 development line.
They didn't have it at Donauwörth, because the 130 prototypes were located in Marignane, France. We've seen some AS 350 though which partly went to Donauwörth for overhaul.
These were interesting days in the late 90s. We've been to Marconi in Canada (nowadays CMC Electronics) and to Westland Helicopters for evaluating Avionics update offers for our 20+ year old Sea King Helicopters.
And we've been to Speyr (MBB) and later Donauwörth (Eurocopter), in case of Speyr it was usually for the 2nd major periodic inspection (2. PE) which turned into a "Kampfwertsteigerung" (weapons upgrade) where our brave Sea Kings were equipped with Sea Skua missiles, electronic warfare equipment and self defense systems including chaff/flare dispensers and tons of sensors. Not that this would make any sense, but still.
In case of Donauwörth it turned out that most Sea Kings suffered from fatigue which required a change overhaul of the core structure, and later the avionics upgrade offered by Westland Helicopters was built in.
Okay, let's stay with Helis for the while. Guess this: