1914_DEMARCATION campaign.
The Voisin III, I hate this plane. It is what I'm assigned and have to live with it, but I have no guns and the gunner can't hit worth anything. The best my gunner ever did was get one enemy recon aircraft smoking before running out of ammo, but didn't stop it from continuing on its mission. And did I mention I got shot and killed from bombers three times! They shoot back better. Served my gunner right. Got to mission #12 and still flying this thing!
Anyway, the point to raise is you might want to check the AI planes waypoint altitudes. Every mission they were consistently crashing into a wooded hill to the north-east of the airbase. Sometimes one or two would survive, but it was always at least one that hit that hill. I never knew how many planes would survive during each mission. And rarely, seen twice, crash right after takeoff.
Those that did not crash, never attacked the enemy AI planes, ever. Nor did the Enemy attack my Friendly AI planes. Everyone ignored everyone, except if I attacked bombers, the gunners would become active. That is about it. Due to the plane I was flying, I was actually happy everyone was ignoring me, so I just enjoyed flying and getting back home safe. I don't want to take this Voisin into combat with fighters. Ever. I would run if I could, but anything should be able to catch me.
The map is great and it was pleasant going out on recon missions, which this plane is more suited to. But as a fighter, oh please.
Loved it anyway, even with dead beat AIs, but I'm looking forward to flying something I can shoot with from the pilot's position!
So where is Part 2? Just kidding, when it is done, it is done. But I find myself checking every few hours every day, between Part 1 missions that is.
PS: On the final mission of the campaign, I finally shot down a bomber with that Voisin III! I got to about 800 meters or so, auto-leveler, told my gunner to sit down and shut up, and shot at the bombers myself. Just before running out of ammo one of the bombers exploded, and I was awarded credit. Oh my, after all this just waving at bombers, that felt good. Especially in a Voisin III. Should have done that much earlier.