Hi Guys
I visited Mike (Storebror) In Germany two weeks ago, and we spent about 3 days, much of it talking about IL2 and SAS. It was awesome to meet face to face after all the years, and to see how our views of this site and it's people and philosophy still matches exactly.
We can never loose in any of these inter-site type of things, because we are here for one thing, and one thing only: To have a place where modders of IL2 can do their thing. Nothing else. That has been the reason this place was started so many years ago, and the reason it will be here until the last modder of IL2 switches of the lights and shuts the door.
When other sites and forums are started for modding IL2, we LIKE it. It is great for the game. It is always heartbreaking when some places go off on the very human "one site to rule them all" tangent. We have seen this many times over the years, and always with the same sad result for them, and never requiring any action from our side at all. But other than that, the more people out there modding IL2, regardless of where they put their mods, the better for us all. And for us, that is really all there is to it.
Sometimes, like this time, another place's problems have infringed on us, and this is sad and frustrating. But at the end of it, we are still here, and we will be, until the day comes when none of us play this game anymore. Because we are here for the game. People who are out for "control", will always in the end destroy themselves, because, in reality, how can that ever be achieved? And why would you want it? The reason this old game still kicks ass is not because anyone controlled modding, it is because places like this made a space,then stood back and let it happen.
But one must also remember: We are the human race, and people are wildly different, and some of them are also completely crazy, and you have to be at peace with that and not forget that crazy has led to as many good things in the world as bad. This is true of IL2 as well. Some of the weirdest people have made some of the best contributions over the years. So when people go bat shit crazy, we can usually just sit on the sidelines and hope that some good stuff for the game comes out of it. But once in a while a little bit of bat shit can fall on one's shirt of course.
Shitty, but there it is...it happens.
So Mike and myself's advice to everyone who has, or may in future have, their own little club/forum/site for IL2, or who chooses to be here at this forum, is this:
Just fly and mod. WTF else are we here for?
Cheers everyone