Wow, as always, thank you very much Pete!!
You're welcome, no problem.
These are straight forward enough and quick to do, takes longer to fire up the game and make sure I entered everything correctly.
With the full mod I used to collect whatever was released over a month or so and enter the java as and when, sometimes in one sitting sometimes as I tested a new aircraft, the java was not added to the game until I was ready to add the entries.
Another sitting might entail doing the entries.
With that all together I could hash the java, and add that and the entries to the game.
Eventually I would test and see if I had broke anything.
A evening or two could then be taken writing up the release and collecting the new and old entries and taking some images before you finally got the download.
For all the SSP is a far quicker way, usually if I see your request at night and have the aircraft already you can have the static the day after, depends on time and how many, I also do them for pending releases of models or campaigns as well if asked or involved.
Sad thing is I usually only fire up the game to test or mod, playing is rare these days.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.