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Author Topic: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.  (Read 117269 times)

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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #576 on: December 13, 2024, 11:29:34 AM »

Thank you very much, Pete!


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #577 on: January 22, 2025, 12:12:58 PM »

Hi Mission_bug!

I'm testing the last BAT 4.3 and updating his files....

I find some missing stationary palnes (plus some other that I find in another of your stationary planes work tread)....

Here their lines from BAT 4.3 air.ini:

Fokker_DII                               air.Fokker_DII                   2 NOINFO   g01 SUMMER
Oeffag_CII                               air.Oeffag_CII                   2 NOINFO   g01 SUMMER
Oeffag_CIIG                              air.Oeffag_CIIG                  2 NOINFO   g01 SUMMER
Nieuport10C1                             air.Nieuport10C1                 1 NOINFO  fr01 SUMMER
Nieuport10                               air.Nieuport10                   1 NOINFO  fr01 SUMMER
Nieuport10AV                             air.Nieuport10AV                 1 NOINFO  fr01 SUMMER
Nieuport10AR                             air.Nieuport10AR                 1 NOINFO  fr01 SUMMER
FE2d                                     air.FE2d                         1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Scout_TF1                                air.U_2VEX2_TF1                  1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
SB_Bomber_RFC_Sea                        air.SB_Bomber_RFC_Sea            1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184G                           air.Short_Type184G               1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184G2                          air.Short_Type184G2              1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184M                           air.Short_Type184M               1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184M3                          air.Short_Type184M3              1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184M3b                         air.Short_Type184M3b             1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184R                           air.Short_Type184R               1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER
Scout_Mk1_Float                          air.U_2VEX1gb_Float              1 NOINFO  gb01 SUMMER

Hope some of them could be create and added...


If you need I think that I'm able to provide the BAT 4.3 planes classes of the missing ones....

Thanks in advance for all your great work building new stationary planes to populate our airfields!


In the next weeks I'll do the same check for the other 3 BAT modules....TGA , WAW , JTW....


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #578 on: January 22, 2025, 01:03:44 PM »

Hello Walter hope all is well with you.

I have nothing to do with the stationary stuff added into BAT, although I am aware stuff of mine is used, any thing you find missing you really need to mention to Andy and Mike as they do all the additions for BAT and so might have reasons for not adding certain stationary types or it could be a bug that needs to be sorted out. ;)

Some stationary types do not appear even when there is a class for them, I never understood why that was, it is possible Andy has experienced this himself with stuff he added and so has not added these stationary to BAT, you need to ask the BAT team first about why the problem you found exists first before I make any attempt to do these as I have nothing to do with the internals of BAT so there is no point me trying to make them for you if there is already a reason for them not being there.

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #579 on: January 22, 2025, 01:36:33 PM »

Thanks Pete for the reply!

This is a condition I wasn't aware of!

My apologize if I could have offended or bothered someone....was not my intention!

I thought that they weren't into because simply not done at the time of the initial mod release!

I'll post the list into BAT section!

Thanks for the explenation and again my sincere apologize if someone has been felt annoyed from my post!


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #580 on: January 22, 2025, 02:23:35 PM »

Hello Walter, I am not annoyed at all and if it turns out they were just overlooked and not made then I will give them ago if I have that stuff myself but first of all just try and find out from the BAT team why they are not there as it could be they already have files and overlooked them during an update.  ;)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #581 on: January 23, 2025, 09:24:01 AM »

Thanks Pete!

I have wrote my apologies towards every user that reading my post could have misunderstand my intention....

ATM I have started to reorganize the technics.ini file of BAT DOF and made some discovers....

1) Many of the missing stationary planes have entries in that file but not in STATIONARY.ini so I have to check about their classes and try to regain the entries to test....

2) A lot of stationary planes have different value of PanzerBodyFront when the property settings atm are only 2: 0.002 and 0.008 ( I plan to add more variety and strenght because a 2 engined stationary bomber could be destroyed with 6 12.5mm bullets or 30 12.5mm bullets with the 2 values and even adding different and higher value apparently doesn't give more strenght because from my tests seem that if the value is different from the 2 ablove (0.002 and 0.008) the lower one is used to calculate damage....

About the plane entries , could you explain why some planes have values like:

Description    A6M2_K Trainer
Icon           Plane
Class          air.A6M2_K
PanzerType  Car
PanzerSubtype  4
PanzerBodyFront      0.004
Explode              WagonMetal

While other have less values like:

Description    S_SNJ4
Icon           Plane
Class          air.S_SNJ4
PanzerBodyFront      0.006

About the former set of values , I have tried to delete in one of them the values:
PanzerType  Car
PanzerSubtype  4
Explode              WagonMetal

....but I got no errors or ctd and apparently the plane was more resistent to damage....


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #582 on: January 23, 2025, 12:36:46 PM »

Hello Walter, Gabriel is the true master of the SSP, he is probably the best person you could ask in this respect as he began the process many years ago, folks like me just copied what he did after he gave us valuable help getting there, he is the master of this particular endeavour.  ;)

I think I tend to use values of 0.008 for smaller stuff and 0.016 for anything with two or more engines and that is it and that comes from what others did before me so I am not the best to ask questions to on this subject, I am just a simple man who knows nothing of the bigger picture. :D

Anyway, as I said I can try and make the stationary planes you mention but I do not want to replicate anything that might have already been done in BAT, Andy can and does make stationary planes for BAT and it could be he just forgot to make them, or if he had made them forgot to add them in, ask him first about it and if they were never made we can take it from there.

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #583 on: January 23, 2025, 01:17:46 PM »

Thanks for your reply!

I'm waiting for a reply by Vampire_Pilot in a topic about the I opened in BAT as you have correctly suggested....

As said in the meantime I'll try to collect all the stuff I could to give at the modder  who , I hope , 'll help into fixing the missing stationary....

BTW for sure the Shorts 184 seaplanes family wasn't ever included in BAT , I find no entries nor classes about them....


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #584 on: January 23, 2025, 03:52:16 PM »

Hello again Walter, if you check the WWI section you will see I added the stationary files to the mod of the Short 184. ;)


Please check any of the mods I might have worked on because I usually include the stationary as part of the package.

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: PS_Self Stationary Planes Thread all periods of aviation.
« Reply #585 on: January 24, 2025, 10:53:00 AM »

Thanks Pete!

I'll do shortly!

I have started with the Oeffag C.II...but as the Shorts are available I'll add them immediately!
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