Hello Gentlemen
Here you can look up all the chat-commands that are available on our Server. Most of them are the standard FBDj ones:
- <objective<red (short: <obj<red): This will return the remaining targets left for the Red team to win the mission as well as the remaining red plane/pilot count.
Not available on all Missions! - <objective<blue (short: <obj<blue): This will return the remaining targets left for the Blue Team to win the mission as well as the remaining blue plane/pilot count.
Not available on all Missions! - <planes: This will show the remaining available plane counts for planes that are restricted in the requestors army.
Not available on all Missions! - <loadoutrestriction<red (short: <load<red): This will return all the plane/loadout restrictions for the Red team.
Not available on all Missions! - <loadoutrestriction<blue (short: <load<blue): This will return all the plane/loadout restrictions for the Blue team.
Not available on all Missions! - <timeleft (short: <tl): This will show the remaining time left to play in the current mission
- <nextmap: This will show the next mission in the mission cycle
- <gunstat (short: <gs): This will show the users stats since logging in. Stats shown are EAD(Enemy Aircraft Destroyed), GUD(Ground Units Destroyed), Fired(Bullets Fired), Hit( Bullet Hit % on Ground), Hit-A(Bullet Hit % in Air)
- <vote yes: Will initiate a vote to change the Mission and vote for yes. If the vote has already been initiated, it will just vote yes
- <vote no: Will initiate a vote to change the Mission and vote for no. If the vote has already been initiated, it will just vote no
additionally, there is the following command:
- <request_mission MissionName: This will initiate a vote to change the Mission to the requested one and will vote for yes
Please notice: You must type in the correct Mission Name! All mission names can be found
Mission names of our Weekcycle can be found here!Here are some more Missions that can be requestedAll Mission names and another important notice for the Flying Ass Clowns...(Edit 2024-01-19: outdated!)
Have fun
Best Regards,