Good day chaps,
I would like to kindly ask for a FM capable editor to help me (better: do a job as I am not capable of FM edits=yet
) with the latest buttons SAS 4.09m (UP2.1) F-86Fs:
(Greybeard, albeit not interested in post WWII planes, generously helped me for a private F-86A mod. That was and is all the help I can and want to ask of this gentleman. )
The F-86Fs in 4.09m, albeit having two prominent FM bugs, are IMHO after all the videos I saw over the past 4 years, the best flying IL-2 Sabres.
The issue they have:
The negative G limit is still not there, they should top out at ca. 3 negative Gs. Like with the old DBW Jet Era Sabres, often they can pull more negative than positive G at a given speed.
The 2nd issue, also similar to the old DBW issue yet less pronounced: If you visualize the elevator effectiveness courve as a graph, between 300 and ca. 420 Knots the amount of Gs pullable drops in significantly, at greater speeds or slower speeds, the turn rate is much better.
This is not just a performance gap, it leads as well to the "hickup" old "pitch, delay, pitch" movement when pulling on the stick...and the latter is visible inside and outside at this speed range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is pretty much the only thing that seperates the UP2.1 Sabre pack in the 4.09m section from a very immersive pack.