Found a Bug on the Hs-123s Landing Gear, No Logs but only Photos were Taken.
Quite like was the case with corresponding reports from BAT, this is clearly caused by some arbitrary conflicting mod being in use.
Valid Ultrapack has no such issues.
Found a Strange Error on that Something I don't know.
Once again that's a Java 8 side effect.
I think I've stressed sufficiently how much "BETA" Java 8 is at the moment.
As there is no benefit from switching to Java 8 so far and as you can't distinguish between issues created by yourself, by BETA mods or by the game itself, let me kindly recommend to at least disable Java 8 again in order to create a little less confusion.
Another Error on the Logs.
This one is caused by another player joining a mission where planes are in use that require Patch 2 to be installed, but that particular player didn't have it installed at the time.
It's not your fault and it's not Ultrapack's fault either.
This is just an "intentional" (read: Normal, nothing we can fix) result from other players joining an online server with incompatible patch level.
Besides that, Hotfix 8 will fix the P-61 online spawn issue, just saying...
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