On the case of arming preview issues - and this applies to all of them - let me clarify the situation as follows:
There are many mod aircraft in IL-2 1946 which make use of "hier.him stretching".
This is a method of changing the coordinate system of a mesh (that's a part of the 3D model) in order to scale and/or rotate said mesh.
While this usually proves to be sufficient to solve the issue visually, there's a couple of drawbacks from such a workaround, including but not limited to:
- Shadow issues: Scaled meshes cannot have shadows and if they do, they'll flood the log with errors (most prominent samples of this issue are para-bombs)
- Ordnance orientation in arming screen: If a hook (that's a point on the 3D model where ordnance gets attached to) has any non-orthogonal stretching or rotating applied, the ordnance will show crazy orientation and potentially also location in the arming screen as soon as you rotate the airplane around in the arming screen.
What you are repeatedly reporting here falls in the 2nd category.
Unfortunately, since 3D models have a hierarchical structure, more often than not it happens that an ordnance hook itself
is orthogonal and has a length of "1" set correctly, however since the mesh it's attached to is a child of a child of a child of a child of a child of a child of a mesh that has been stretched non-orthogonal, it inherits all the issues resulting from that non-orthogonal stretching of the ancestor mesh.
There's no solution to this other than getting the regarding 3D modder of the original airplane mod to rework all his meshes, which most likely he will not do, since modders who make heavy use of hier.him stretching usually aren't capable of applying the "right" methods of stretching and rotating meshes instead.
TL;DR: It's an issue of the regarding mod airplane and needs to be solved there - not an Ultrapack issue.
![Cheers ]cheers[](https://www.sas1946.com/main/Smileys/akyhne/occasion14.gif)