Further to the previously posted list of fixes, the flight models of the Barracuda, the Henschel 123, the Fiat CR.32 and the Fiat CR.42 will be fixed in Patch 2 as well.
And Patch 2 will have a somewhat "experimental" new functionality builtin:
Old missions sometimes tend to use loadouts for planes that don't exist anymore, either because they were simply removed or replaced by some other loadout option - sometimes it's just a naming thing, maybe even just capitalization of the loadout name.
This used to throw a runtime-exception and the regarding plane would simply be missing when the mission plays.
With Patch 2 we will get a new code implementation which, in case such "inexistent loadouts" issue happens, will attempt to find the best matching existing loadout according to the Damerau Levenshtein algorithm (case insensitive) applied to the loadout names, and load that "best match" instead.
Example: In old times, the I_16TYPE18_BS had loadouts like "2xFAB100" declared.
Meanwhile this loadout has been renamed to "2fab100". The new algorithm successfully picks that "best match" loadout from the available set ("default", "2fab50", "2fab100", "2tank100", "none") and selects it instead, meaning that the mission will work as intended even though the loadout on the mission doesn't really exist.
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