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Author Topic: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)  (Read 110743 times)

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #204 on: July 05, 2021, 04:44:28 AM »

From the lack of responses I take it that the non-reproducible "bugs" aren't worth following upon further on.
From the lack of bug reports from yesterday's FAC session I take it that no one who reported bugs considered them worth a forum post, so I don't consider them worth remembering either.
The only one I remembered was the Fokker D.XXI S4's lack of accelleration which - of course - is fixed in Patch 9.

Anything else... hurry up reporting guys. And don't forget your logs.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #205 on: July 06, 2021, 04:16:00 AM »

Dunno if Gubi mentioned, but we tested the D.520 in the BK Map Mission with loku, Groundhandling is a tad worser than Sarja 4, That's the first issue.

First I don't have the correct nomenclatura for pro type of aviation
speaking. What I mean I can just describe in my words. sorry for that.
To get a feel of the curious Flightmodel a quick countertest on Mers Kebir in a Bloch sheds a bit light.
D.520 has probs reaching over 350Km/H, in higher Throttle Settings 70-80%, I had it that I can't catch up the Maps Swordfishes, just after a long constant overpowered chase, with constant overheating, or I would have lost contact on chase.. That's just the Maps underpowered foes, the Fulmars I can just catch when they give me hand coming on my table, in Snapshots or from distance, they are superior at turning, rate of climb, acceleration, low, mid and higher specs. The Fulmars give chase when their in powerclimb Black smoke pourrs, the D.520 is hanging like on a ship rope, having trouble catching up such powered climb.
No matter what, I can't reach the Blochs performance, turning radius is larger at D.520 too.
when the Bloch has a flight of a feather and pleasant, not über turning abillity.
The Bloch easilly closes to Fulmar or Swordfish, it has powered climbing too, no probs there. It has such performance that in dogfights I tend to overshoot in these Settings, when in the D.520 my foe would stay glued 500m-700m in front of me. Low Speed handling (near stall), Landing, cruising, comfortable, no troubles

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #206 on: July 06, 2021, 04:24:05 AM »

Thanks for the report, I'll check that.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #207 on: July 06, 2021, 07:24:54 AM »

Thanks Mike, appreciated, the D.520 is a highlight Online, very rare, unique, and such a beautifull kite.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #208 on: July 06, 2021, 08:37:43 AM »

Now it has the flight model it deserves.

Old(blue) vs new(red):

Now it matches it's main counterpart, the 109E, reasonably well. D.520(red) vs. Bf-109E-4(blue):

Even the nasty habit of the D.520 to be prone to flat spins when wing tanks are full has been modelled.
And of course the plane will empty the wing tanks first, which means that below 62% fuel you're absolutely spin safe, and above that, the more there is in your wing tanks, the harder it gets to get out of a spin... from about 85% fuel onwards it's absolutely impossible to exit a fully developed spin.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #209 on: July 06, 2021, 10:26:54 AM »

Sorry for offtop butt here is something off, by the Wiki: "The Dewoitine D.520 came close to being a match for the latest German types, such as the Messerschmitt Bf 109. It was slower than the Bf 109E but superior in manoeuvrability".
Other thing is that 3d model in game has a wrong CoG wich cause weird behaviour on the ground and in the air, this also need to be fixed (working on it) to make it flight right.
P7a/P11c/f/g P24a/b/e/f/g PZL23/42 PWS-10/26 R-XIII RWD-10/14 GeeBeeR1/R2/Granville P-45 , WhippetMkI, Sdkfz-234/1/2, Kurogane, TKS, Wz.29/34 and some other shit XD


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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #210 on: July 06, 2021, 11:04:38 AM »

Will addons be added to ultrapack?

F4U-4,4B — 1940 ??
Late Corsairs should not have a cap, which prevents my look back.



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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #211 on: July 06, 2021, 03:21:46 PM »

Cool, that sounds good, Yippieh...

Another issue, possibly more kites have this, thought I overheard these shimery braking sounds at T/O,
during that some kites do have brakes applied,
while no brakes and parking brake (stick back) applied, even tapped through, brakes sound constantly
going, even if off Rudder?

Here the most toughest "on brakes" I noticed so far, Me262A-1a & A-2a

on long Runway I reach 80-100KM/H, at 160Km/H it's not going up, wheels show signs of brake dust
on all time, all 3 Wheels! soon Engine overheats...???

Log is here:


Will deliver more when noticed, Thanks
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #212 on: July 06, 2021, 10:31:42 PM »

Sorry for offtop butt here is something off, by the Wiki: "The Dewoitine D.520 came close to being a match for the latest German types, such as the Messerschmitt Bf 109. It was slower than the Bf 109E but superior in manoeuvrability".
That's because in IL-2 the 109E is too slow.
According to specs, it should run 570kph @5000m.
In UP3 it reaches like 525, in Stock IL-2 555kph.
I might tune that at some point, just not sure when exactly.
Touching one 109 means you need to touch all of them.
Last time when I did this for the 190s, it took me a week to iron out the worst glitches.

Other thing is that 3d model in game has a wrong CoG wich cause weird behaviour on the ground and in the air, this also need to be fixed (working on it) to make it flight right.
Which one? We have two 3D models for the 520 in UP3.

Late Corsairs should not have a cap, which prevents my look back.
I take the mods as-is, adjust Java where needed and flight models if time permits.
Fixing all the 3D issues with the 4000 planes we have is slightly out of scope, sorry to say.

some kites do have brakes applied,
while no brakes and parking brake (stick back) applied, even tapped through, brakes sound constantly
going, even if off Rudder?

Here the most toughest "on brakes" I noticed so far, Me262A-1a & A-2a

on long Runway I reach 80-100KM/H, at 160Km/H it's not going up, wheels show signs of brake dust
on all time, all 3 Wheels! soon Engine overheats...???
Never ever heard of this, never ever experienced it myself.
I'm quite sure it's just a simple oversight on your end Tobi.
You might have some brake axis configured and simply forgot about it.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #213 on: July 07, 2021, 01:29:54 AM »

Other thing is that 3d model in game has a wrong CoG wich cause weird behaviour on the ground and in the air, this also need to be fixed (working on it) to make it flight right.
Which one? We have two 3D models for the 520 in UP3.
Scratch that. Already seen and fixed. It's both models actually, even though to a different degree.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #214 on: July 07, 2021, 08:35:09 AM »

It didn't blopped my eye, just that you said other entry,
it foobar'd my working conf.ini, when for
skinning I had to turn on Cache, I didn't activated
read only, fun was in. no wonder I had all entries doubled.
Have to meticously wander through that ini again.
Joystick settings I have back, Me262 is debraked here,
I wonder how one can fly with such mess.  :-[
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #215 on: July 07, 2021, 10:59:57 PM »

Will the ability to switch the brightness of the sight?
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