Dunno if Gubi mentioned, but we tested the D.520 in the BK Map Mission with loku, Groundhandling is a tad worser than Sarja 4, That's the first issue.
First I don't have the correct nomenclatura for pro type of aviation
speaking. What I mean I can just describe in my words. sorry for that.
To get a feel of the curious Flightmodel a quick countertest on Mers Kebir in a Bloch sheds a bit light.
D.520 has probs reaching over 350Km/H, in higher Throttle Settings 70-80%, I had it that I can't catch up the Maps Swordfishes, just after a long constant overpowered chase, with constant overheating, or I would have lost contact on chase.. That's just the Maps underpowered foes, the Fulmars I can just catch when they give me hand coming on my table, in Snapshots or from distance, they are superior at turning, rate of climb, acceleration, low, mid and higher specs. The Fulmars give chase when their in powerclimb Black smoke pourrs, the D.520 is hanging like on a ship rope, having trouble catching up such powered climb.
No matter what, I can't reach the Blochs performance, turning radius is larger at D.520 too.
when the Bloch has a flight of a feather and pleasant, not über turning abillity.
The Bloch easilly closes to Fulmar or Swordfish, it has powered climbing too, no probs there. It has such performance that in dogfights I tend to overshoot in these Settings, when in the D.520 my foe would stay glued 500m-700m in front of me. Low Speed handling (near stall), Landing, cruising, comfortable, no troubles