Sorry for the delay, I'm on vacation this week.
Let's have a look:
[2021-08-15 19:48:36.166 UTC +8] dT: 0 No cod'ded weapons list found for com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Placeholder
This means that "SFS_UP/000 Ultrapack 3.3 Misc.SFS" is missing.
Same for...
[2021-08-15 19:48:37.823 UTC +8] dT: 0
[2021-08-15 19:48:37.823 UTC +8] dT: 0 at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(
[2021-08-15 19:48:37.824 UTC +8] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.GuidedMissileUtils.parseMissilePropertiesFile(
[2021-08-15 19:48:37.824 UTC +8] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.MissileAIM9B.<clinit>(
...and similar log entries: The "Misc" SFS archive simply isn't there.
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.734 UTC +8] dT: 0 INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Plane/Do_18/hier.him'
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.747 UTC +8] dT: 0 WARNING: object '3do/Plane/Do_18/hier.him' of class 'HIM' not loaded
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.747 UTC +8] dT: 0 INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3do/Plane/Do_18/hier.him
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.747 UTC +8] dT: 0 INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3do/Plane/Do_18/hier.him
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.747 UTC +8] dT: 0
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.748 UTC +8] dT: 0 java.lang.RuntimeException: INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3do/Plane/Do_18/hier.him
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.748 UTC +8] dT: 0
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.748 UTC +8] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.Load(Native Method)
[2021-08-15 19:49:02.748 UTC +8] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.<init>(
This means the "SFS_UP/000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 01.SFS" is missing.
Apparently, all SFS archives from Ultrapack 3.3 are missing from your "SFS_UP" folder.
I'm taking a chance to guess the reason: During installation of Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 9, you probably got an error message telling that certain "cmd" commands could not be executed.
Patch 9 copies SFS archives from Ultrapack 3.3 "Patch 0" to the "Patch 9" folder - among them, the archives missing as listed in your log.
If - for whatever reason (Antivirus going wild?) - the installer cannot execute the scripts that copy files across, then the result is pretty exactly what we're seeing here.
With a little luck, you can find a folder "SFS_UP_Backup_UP3.3_Patch_9" in your game's directory, and that folder might hold the missing archives.
The SFS_UP folder
should contain:
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Cockpits 01.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Cockpits 02.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Cockpits 03.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Cockpits 04.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Cockpits 05.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Misc.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Misc_02.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 01.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 02.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 03.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 04.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 05.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 06.SFS
- 000 Ultrapack 3.3 Planes 07.SFS
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