This is not really a bug report!
It's just a tip!
After reading (and translating) the following, I started the installation from version 4.14! Why did I do this? Because it is less heavy than BAT!
3rd Option: The Ultrapack 3.4 "Cassie" Superpack
The only prerequisite for this option is for you to have some kind of IL-2 1946 game in working condition.
Which flavour? Doesn't matter. Stock game will do, Modact will do, BAT will do, anything will do.
Which version? Doesn't matter. Anything from the original DVD (aka 4.07m) up to the latest and greatest version of anything to be found out there will do.
The installation went very well!
But impossible to launch the game!
Checking the LOG I found these alarms:
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_3do09p.sfs) NOT Mounted: Unknown SFS error: fb_3do09p.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_maps02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_maps02.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_sound.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_sound.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_sound01.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_sound01.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_sound02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_sound02.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_sound03.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_sound03.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_sound04.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_sound04.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_sound05.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_sound05.sfs
Indeed 4.14.1 does not have these files!
BAT or UP2.01 has them all !
So my advice, if I may say so, do not try to install from 4.14.1 !

And congratulations to those who created this UP3.4 Cassie pack !