I must stress that both Java 8 and Java 17 for the time being are there just as proof of concept, strictly BETA and as such problems are to be expected.
The fact that activating Java 8 results in an "older" Selector version is due to the fact that Java 8 and Java 17 ship with an own (custom) selector version strictly tied to the il2fb.exe shipped with TD's dreaded 4.15 patch.
The resulting file conflicts (Selector, il2fb.exe, dinput.dll, wrapper and the whole bin folder itself) are the reason for issues reported e.g. by FL 4 posts above this one.
I don't wanna say that the improvments you've noticed are placebo effects, what I can say however is that at the moment Java 8 and/or Java 17 cannot really be taken advantage of in modded games such as Ultrapack, because TD decided to strip any wrapper (and with it: Mods folder) support from the server executable, which means that modded games either have to stick to Java 1.3 code compatibility (Ultrapack) or they'd have to stop supporting dedicated server operation (viable e.g. for BAT, as it lacks dedicated server support anyway).
If we ever should be bored enough to unlock TD's server executable, we could make Java 8 (or maybe even 17) the default VM and at the same time lift code compatibility to corresponding standards, which would
really gain some points in terms of performance and stability, but right now we're simply not there yet, and god knows whether we'll ever be.
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