Hello Uzin, how much of work left to finish this beauty ?
Population of some sites in Kosovo and Macedonia. About up to 15 small towns left. I am working on Pristina now.
Corrections of errors due to a one-pixel slip caused by overworking of Mymap_c.tga, which was made in order to get Il-2-map_c.tga file size below 30 MB. This limit was achieved by omiting some upper parts of small rivers. Removal of bridges becoming unnecessary. Adding railwaystations where omitted.
Finalizing ed_m.tga files.
Finetuning of mountain and land textures.
Completing the necessary and sufficient additions to static.ini file and 3do object folders.
Repairing the issues which will be found by betatesters.
Should I decrease the areas ? But perhaps the whole map could be reworked with this respect ? We can see this after releasing the version for betatesters.