The Junkers J 21 (manufacturer's sales designations T 21 and H 21) was a reconnaissance aircraft designed in Germany in the early 1920s and produced in the Soviet Union at the Junkers plant at Fili near Moscow for use by the Soviet Air Force.

Hello guys, this has been sitting on the work bench for some time and so with Gio's permission here it finally is for you.

Mediafire link: model: Gio963tto
Slot: Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug
Default skin: Stalker.
Currently running in my DBW 1.71 and 4.12 with SAS Modact 5.30.
Place the folder 'JunkersJU21' into your mod folder and add the following entries to your air.ini:
Ju_21 air.Ju_21 2 NOINFO ru01 SUMMER
There are two working versions of the cockpit, this is the active one in the download:

Gunner cockpit active:

Front guns working and small bombload:

If you want a Self Stationary Plane add the folder 'PS_Ju_21_SSP' into your mod folder and add the necessary entries.
These go in your stationary and technics files and if you do not already have a Self Stationary section you will need to add all the lines below.
Add to the stationary.ini:
Ju_21 vehicles.planes.Ju_21Static$Ju_21 2
Add to the technics.ini:
// Self Stationary planes
Description Ju_21
Icon Plane
Class air.Ju_21
PanzerBodyFront 0.004

There are two versions of the cockpit, one uses Gio's original 3d with working rudder bar and stick; the second which is the active one in the download, utilises the original 3d with working dashboard and instruments from what I think is the U-2. To position this so it looked right it was raised but the edges of the dash protrude and the knob of one of the levers.
Sorry, best I could do, to alter the edges caused deformation in the instruments.
The rear turret is active and the forward firing guns.
Bombload is 4 20kg from the Letov S-328 as are the pylons for them.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug, October 2015.