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Author Topic: Where are my P-51s?  (Read 2787 times)

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Where are my P-51s?
« on: November 11, 2015, 08:53:11 AM »

I am under the impression that my CUP download should have included the P-51D-20NT, D-25NA, D-30NA, and F-51D-30NA yet both times I have downloaded CUP they have all been absent from my install.  They are not in the air folder and adding the lines only led to a 60% CTD.  If they aren't in my install how can I go about getting them there since they aren't in the US singles subforum?


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 11:49:08 AM »

Can't tell why these and some other P-51s are missing in Cup we have,
but they are to be found in the Subforum you mentioned. P51s from AAA UI 1.2  ;)
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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2015, 11:59:03 AM »

I had those Stangs but thought that there were others with properly modeled engines, you know, with automatic supercharger and radiator.  If not, I guess I'll get those back until someone gets around to fixing it!


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2015, 12:46:54 PM »

They're the ones from DBW and someone had told me that they were also in CUP, as well.  That hasn't been the case for me with two downloads and I really, really would like a 75" Mustang with an automatic supercharger and a radiator with an auto setting in my CUP install if there is such a thing.  If not, someone please get it for us and I'll be forever indebted to you!



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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2015, 03:53:34 AM »


The D-20NT and the F-51D are included in module 4 Jet Age


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2015, 08:14:55 AM »

I'm technologically challenged and doing well to even be playing this incredible modded game so let me ask a stupid question; how do I import those into my WAW module?  And how could I get the D-25 and 30 from DBW into WAW?  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2015, 12:56:37 PM »

I'm not at my desk right now. If nobody has replied I will run through it tomorrow morning if you need help. In the meantime, take a look at this for basic help:


C.U.P. folder structure is slightly different but the basics are the same.

Also, download this: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,2728.0.html

Install instructions are all there. Note also, if you add anything to the C.U.P. module .ini folders, they will be overwritten at the next module update  , so make a backup of your modified #WAW/#JTW folder.



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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2015, 01:35:31 PM »

Hi deadstick
I'm not sure if this will help (it works for me) but there is one mod, forgot :-X about this  :
I tried this mod install as standalone ( with the corresponding entries in air.ini for those P-51) but unfortunately does not work without _AAA_UI12_P-51s
try to put it into the _AAA_UI12_P-51s folder and replace existing files 
P-51D-20NT        air.P_51D20NT                                 usa01 SUMMER
P-51D-25NA        air.P_51D25NA                                 usa01 SUMMER
P-51D-30NA        air.P_51D30NA                                 usa01 SUMMER
F-51D-30NA        air.F_51D30NA                                 usa01 SUMMER

P-51D-20NT           N-American P-51D-20NT, 1944
P-51D-25NA           N-American P-51D-25NA, 1944
P-51D-30NA           N-American P-51D-30NA, 1944
F-51D-30NA           N-American F-51D-30NA, 1944

# F-51D-30NA
F-51D-30NA.default                        Default
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x250               6xMG + 2x250lb. Bombs
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x500               6xMG + 2x500lb. Bombs
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x1000               4xMG + 2x1000lb. Bombs
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x75Nap              6xMG + 2x75gal Napalm
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x110Nap             6xMG + 2x110gal Napalm
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_6xHVAR               6xMG + 6x5" HVAR Rockets
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x250_6xHVAR         6xMG + 2x250lb + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x500_6xHVAR         6xMG + 2x500lb + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x75Nap_6xHVAR       6xMG + 2x75 Nap + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x110Nap_6xHVAR      6xMG + 2x110 Nap + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x75Tank_6xHVAR      6xMG + 2x75gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x108Tank_6xHVAR     6xMG + 2x108gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x110Tank_6xHVAR     6xMG + 2x110gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x165Tank_6xHVAR     6xMG + 2x165gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_10xHVAR               6xMG + 10x5" HVAR Rockets
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x75Tank               6xMG + 2x75gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x108Tank         6xMG + 2x108gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x110Tank         6xMG + 2x110gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.6xM2_APIT_2x165Tank         6xMG + 2x165gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT                  4xMG 2 Gun Extra Ammunition
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x250               4xMG Ext + 2x250lb. Bombs
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x500               4xMG Ext + 2x500lb. Bombs
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x75Nap              4xMG Ext + 2x75gal Napalm
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x110Nap             4xMG Ext + 2x110gal Napalm
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_6xHVAR               4xMG Ext + 6x5" HVAR Rockets
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x250_6xHVAR         4xMG Ext + 2x250lb + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x500_6xHVAR         4xMG Ext + 2x500lb + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x75Nap_6xHVAR       4xMG Ext + 2x75 Nap + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x110Nap_6xHVAR      4xMG Ext + 2x110 Nap + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x75Tank_6xHVAR      4xMG Ext + 2x75gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x108Tank_6xHVAR     4xMG Ext + 2x108gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x110Tank_6xHVAR     4xMG Ext + 2x110gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x165Tank_6xHVAR     4xMG Ext + 2x165gal + 6x5" HVAR
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_10xHVAR               4xMG Ext + 10x5" HVAR Rockets
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x75Tank               4xMG Ext + 2x75gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x108Tank         4xMG Ext + 2x108gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x110Tank         4xMG Ext + 2x110gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.4xM2_APIT_2x165Tank         4xMG Ext + 2x165gal Drop Tanks
F-51D-30NA.none                     Empty
for airplanes - D-20NT,D-25NA and D-30NA entries in weapons already exist.
Best regards,


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2015, 10:01:32 AM »

That's just a 3-D update, this is no FM change thingy.
Deadstick nothing better, just looking better.

It is meant to go before AAA UI P-51s, not as a standalone.
If you don't have the slots assigned, this Fix won't work.
But beware if using Wheels, Cowlings, Pilots and custom Pits, that's where it can
be tricky to solve version dependent hier.him Glitches if go with modding Stangs Overkill...
But with patience and Zen, a couple of SAS Threads you can solve, as I did in my DBW.

Best FM you get in HSFX, Ultrapack/DBW has a slightly changed FM according to stock and these cutouts.
But it is version dependent. If you apply whatever version to cup, don't wonder they're changing
literally to stock, as some features from HSFX or UP/DBW can't be included, how hard you try.
Same for Antos Me262 features for DBW/4.101m, in 4.12 they don't work and roll back to stock too.

Hope this helps, to answer his question, the Mod he seeks isn't existing yet.
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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2015, 07:03:24 AM »

That's just a 3-D update, this is no FM change thingy.
Deadstick nothing better, just looking better.

It is meant to go before AAA UI P-51s, not as a standalone.
If you don't have the slots assigned, this Fix won't work.
But beware if using Wheels, Cowlings, Pilots and custom Pits, that's where it can
be tricky to solve version dependent hier.him Glitches if go with modding Stangs Overkill...
But with patience and Zen, a couple of SAS Threads you can solve, as I did in my DBW.

Best FM you get in HSFX, Ultrapack/DBW has a slightly changed FM according to stock and these cutouts.
But it is version dependent. If you apply whatever version to cup, don't wonder they're changing
literally to stock, as some features from HSFX or UP/DBW can't be included, how hard you try.
Same for Antos Me262 features for DBW/4.101m, in 4.12 they don't work and roll back to stock too.

Hope this helps, to answer his question, the Mod he seeks isn't existing yet.

Exactly right Knochenlutscher!

People often forget that CUP is 412 based.  We could not simply extract stuff from Ultrapack or the 410 modlist.  The fact that it may have been in DBW is no guarantee that it will yet be in CUP. 

We need the mods, we need the 412 upgrades and then we need to test each mod for compatibility with everything else.  Finally we can get the conversion into CUP 412.

When you look at the 109's, the 190's the P-47 family, the Stukas, each was painstakingly converted to 412 classfiles.  From 410 to 412 was not simply an automatic process.

In a way you have answered your own question.  But please bear in mind; nothing is 'missing' - CUP contains more, vastly more, than the default Il2/1946 sim.  We have taken nothing away.

If you have a good suggestion, for a 412 rated mod, and post a link with your request, it will usually be in CUP in very short order, or its already being worked on...


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2015, 09:24:23 AM »

I actually posted a request for the 75" Stangs on the request board, then was told that what I sought already existed which leads us here to this point where I find out unequivocally that they do not exist yet, at least not in CUP world.  No worries, I'm sure someone will get around to it soon because it seems that no stone is ever left unturned for too long around here!


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Re: Where are my P-51s?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2015, 05:55:16 AM »

I actually posted a request for the 75" Stangs on the request board, then was told that what I sought already existed...

If it really exists, there will be a link.  I learned long ago to discount rumour and heresay.  It would be nice to have them but we need a proper 412 conversion and somebody with the time and know-how will have to spend a lot of it to achieve this.  ;D
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