Holy S***t. I thought it was to be only the summer version. ehm... so, might there be a wintry Berlin too, say... for the February-March 1945 period? Amazing stuff happening here
Thanks, mate! I'm sorry but I got no time for a third, winter version. My main problem with it is that I'm not familiar with map editing softwares (I use unlocked FMB for everything) hence manually repopulating the map with winter objects (currently not even in existence) would be an insane amount of work. If you can show me a way how to easily replace 'building A' with 'building B' then I can do it, no problem.
... and @ Zoran post 71 :
use Zuti's Actors Management Tool (link below), it is very useful for map makers:
https://www.mediafire.com/download/akk2q3e7coe1qty/Zuti_ActorsMAnagement.raror here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,33463.0.htmlAs for the width of streets (@Bee in post 65 above), I know that you use default city textures, but these lead to very scarse population of cities, they look then like notes on music drum or the mouth of old beggar with almost all his teeth away..., lol.
Much better look textures used by e.g. cyberolas, namely those of Compans, which are modified at the landsmark places according to aerial photos.
Another note, it seems to me that the default german buildings are too small in comparison with other buildings in Il-2.
Just my two pences.
I must congratulate to your very gifted choice of terrain textures, they are gems.
Wishing you the best.
Ivan Uzin