first of all modify the parameter "lineCyCoeff 0.062//0.078 " has no influence on the FM, because now in all jets is regulated by Java.
Don't know which effor it give to you, because there is not effort, the parameter lineCyCoeff in JAVA code called "computeLift" is fix till mach 0.9, and then decrease.
Again, "GCenter -0.2//0.0 GCenterZ 0.2//0.00"
Pls don't touch overall FM parameters to fix Landing/takeoff, because in this way you changed also turn performances, that where already good.
You have these to modify takeoff & landings
GC_Flaps_Shift 0.0
GC_Gear_Shift 0.0
But strangely you don't touch them.
In the F-4 there is a big difference between empty weight and max takeoff weight, and it give problems in flaps lift balancing.
If you give proper lift for takeoff at full weight, you will have too much lift when Landing, and vice versa, if you reduce lift when Landing, you will risk to destroy gear during takeoff run.
It needs a small Java code to fix it, to give different lift between takeoff & landings.
I will do soon, and don't needs FM file changes.