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Author Topic: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA  (Read 55837 times)

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #48 on: November 29, 2015, 02:50:25 PM »

Isn't there an empty rack in the photo? It's identical to the rack beneath the Lewis gun shown. Maybe a Lewis armed varient would work as there appear to be several lewis guns to choose from. Just an idea.

Yes there maybe a empty rack, but what you want is a multitude of versions all of the same aircraft:

Morane L.
Morane L with just rack.
Morane L with rack and gun.

Where does it stop?  Just how many variations of the same thing would we need to satisfy everyone?

Sorry, I am not going down that road, I am quite happy to add new armed versions no problem, not extra just to show
it with and without the gun.

Besides the Morane L I have already added a Pfalz A1, essentialy the same aircraft again but for the reasons I explained
I made the German version because it needs that default skin.

Anyway, here is the other armament option Dreamk provide information for:

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #49 on: November 29, 2015, 05:39:27 PM »

Fair enough Mission-bug, no harm intended.

Just thought it would be cool for ground scenes mostly.

In truth such a load out would be quite useless... as adding the weight IRL would be folly if you weren't going armed, so the flying With the mount but without the gun would be so rare as to be a pointless option in game.

In any case, I thank you for your work and wish I could contribute. 😀 Unfortunately time prohibits me from taking time to get into the learning curve. 😔
Looking forward to whatever you may come up with!
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David Prosser

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #50 on: November 29, 2015, 07:17:15 PM »

It looks fine. If anyone can find a photo to contradict it, buy a lottery ticket.


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2015, 07:43:02 AM »

Pulemet means machine-gun i Russian. IRAS machines used whatever MG they could find - designed for aircarft or not - Madsen, Lewis, Vickers, Colt, even Maxim 1910. 
The drawing is taken from "Samolety Pervoy Mirovoy Voyny - strany Antanty" (First World War Aircraft, Entente States) - a very good book for data but very average drawings, although some of them are unique representations of little known types, and experience has shown that they are rather truthful to original photographs (these being often scarce and of low quality, the average quality of the drawing is somehow intentional).
The gun shown on the Morane L is a Lewis (either a "stripped" Lewis MkI - or an "aircraft" Lewis) although Russian also used "infantry" Lewis MkI on their planes

The bombs on Russian Morane, vertical or horizontal would be Russian 5, 10 or 25 Funt bombs, not Carbonit



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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2015, 08:34:59 AM »

Hello Dreamk, thank you very much for the information, greatly appreciated. 8)

That now gives me something to work to. ;)

The bombs on all aircraft were purely place holders until some one could provide the information on the correct ones to use.

Your bomb packs were ideal as a base, and someone did suggest Carbonite, if the Russaian types are present in your packs
then now I know what to look for I can start to make the changes.

The same issue arises with all the armament on all these aircraft, WWI is not actually my subject so I rely on those with the
knowledge to point me in the right direction, sadly very few are forthcoming with that information and as I lack the references
then I just use what is to hand.

I will now see if I can add that Russian Morane Stalker asked for to the pack. :)

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

David Prosser

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2015, 08:43:44 AM »

This URL should give  you all the inspiration you need Pete.




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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2015, 09:53:12 AM »

Blackadder season 4 is the apex of  Rowan Atkinson's acting - in the final episode he succeeds to reach this level where comedy and tragedy become one and touch the deepest in your soul and heart.


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2015, 12:46:20 PM »

Blackadder season 4 is the apex of  Rowan Atkinson's acting - in the final episode he succeeds to reach this level where comedy and tragedy become one and touch the deepest in your soul and heart.

That was quite a series, they do not seem to make anything so good anymore. :(

This is what for want of a better title I will call MS_L_RG, at the moment it is set with the gun from the LA
which I think is a Vickers:

Now I just need a Lewis gun to swap the for what I have working at the moment. ;)

Then again, maybe have a version of each. :D

Looks like a French/British version of the G is also necessary set up like the Pfalz E.I with the synchronised gun
up front.

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2015, 03:01:23 PM »

Both the gun on the pic are Lewis gun
This will help you to distinguish between the various Lewis guns:
from top to bottom":
A. Lewis 1914 "infantry" pattern (without butt, replaced by handles), also called Lewis MkI
    (Russian aircraft often used regular infantry Lewis with the wooden butt)
E. Lewis "stripped" "infantry" pattern, also called "Lewis aircraft MkI",
G. "Lewis aircraft MkII", 
K. "Lewis aircraft MkIII"
L. "Lewis RNAS pattern" (a "super stripped" MkI)

Here are the various forms of expanded cartridge pouches on a Lewis Aircraft MkI ("stripped infantry" pattern):

And here are the Vickers used in WW1 (Confusion comes from the fact that Post ww1 Vickers indeed look superficially like Lewis aircraft guns):
A. Vickers MkI "infantry pattern"
B. Vickers MkI "aircraft pattern 1916"
C. Vickers MkII "aircraft pattern 1917" (almost not used in ww1, but the standard aircraft weapon of the interwar years)



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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2015, 03:11:51 PM »

I love the technical drawings of these weapons as much as anything else! Fort Rucker Alabama has one each of a Lewis, vickers, and one other type of MG on display in its WW1 wing opposite of their beautiful Fokker D.VIII. The guns are smaller than I guess I imagined that they were.
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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #58 on: November 30, 2015, 03:50:11 PM »

Hello Dreamk, I have to agree with fresco23 on the technical drawings you have shared with us, outstanding. 8)

Seeing the reference material you have it is no wonder your weapon packs are a superb piece of work, I look forward to the release of all the guns
you posted a image of, we will be spoilt for choice. ;)

For the L_RG as I call it I borrowed the Lewis from the BE-2 and replaced what I showed earlier:

Experiments have also begun with adding the Russian bombs to some of the aircraft, the difficulty with that is most of these
aircraft would have served with many armed forces rather than just one so I may have to add multiple loads to all
but the German types or make further versions of the same type to accomodate specific national ordnance.

This is becoming a very involved project indeed, when do I stop.  o_O

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #59 on: November 30, 2015, 03:52:30 PM »

Outstanding work mates!! You guys are moving DBW1916 to new standards!!
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