Thank you very much for the photographs Dreamk, the first certainly confirms the
Method for carrying the bombs.
Rather that way me thinks than sat with all those bottles besides you.
I am a little stuck on the kind of bombs to use for the Morane L in French a British service and your quote is interesting in that respect
the French looked at the Morane mainly as a reconnaissance and fighter aircraft - the Voisin L/ LA being its bomber partner.
This is all that the Windsock on the type lists:
Obviously for the British I already added the Coopers but would the French have used those or a type of their own?
Here is the 155mm fitted:

Before I read the above spec in the Windsock I tried various Obus bombs of 75mm hung vertical but they are very thin
so that would mean I had to alter all the existing hooks to use them as they are quite a distance away from the fuselage.
What I need if I add more bombs are things of a similar diameter to the bombs already fitted.
The intention is to add the Russian bombs and also include what I can for the French and British that way the aircraft can
be used for any nation the player chooses with their own default skin added.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.