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Author Topic: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA  (Read 55841 times)

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2015, 04:58:52 PM »

Just 2 small observations after testing these nice planes in 413 (you need to add the textures folder from the Polikarpov R1, the ww1 weapons pack and the last SAS buttons and these planes run very well in 413).
1) a minor bug - there is a need to correct the pivots orientations of the wheels so they will gear in the correct direction
2) something more important - the position of the gun on the G/H is wrong - the muzzle was attached to the middle bar between the two frontal cockpit struts and not outside the struts. This kind of installation was teh one seen on Russian machines.

The French preferred to put metallic deflectors on the back of the propellers and shoot through the propellers. An installation that began to be used on Morane H then became "standard" generalized on Morane I and N (The schema is from 1914, the photograph below is of a Morane N).

For the Morane L, beyond the rear firing gun already shown in previous posts on this thread,there was also this forward firing installation

and of course here too the original device used by Rolland Garros in France (shooting  through propellers equipped with metallic deflectors.

3) BTW the black "braces" meshes seen in these modded aircraft model attached behind the propeller ARE the deflector blades - So for aircraft not firing through the propeller these meshes must be deleted.....(even if a lot of drawings running on the net and in so-called "specialized" books put them on all of these planes without understanding their function.....)


David Prosser

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2015, 05:05:06 PM »

That bomb rack looks fine. I'm sure nobody will be able to gainsay your arrangement. It's certainly an injustice about Rex Warneford's name not being on the memorial. Bureaucrats, who needs them?

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2015, 05:07:13 PM »

It looks like the Lewis gun on the Morane LA would only have one mag. Anyone for a mid-air mag change?


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2015, 01:57:41 AM »

This missed the post, Morane Saulnier G two seater;

Maybe later. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

at the topic

A gift from Mission Bug, the Morane type G "biplace", add the folder / 3DO, CLass, FM and entries to the folder / Morane.... family  / and to  ...  INI.
overwrite when prompted

greetins Gio.


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2015, 03:25:23 AM »

I want to express my gratitude to everyone involved, specially to Gio and MisionBug for adding this wonderful early war machines. Hope to see a N Morane soon.

Thanks guys!


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2015, 04:33:52 AM »

Thank you very much for adding the link for the two seater Gio, greatly appreciated. 8)

Hello Dreamk, thank you very much for the information, that is also greatly appreciated,
your previous belly mounted bombs are next on the to do list once I figure out what to
attach the Cooper racks to.  ;)

Hopefully Gio will take on board some of your points and do the alterations.

I think I only noticed the deflectors on one aircraft, they are really distracting, makes your eyes water.

I like the Lewis gun on the wing, I could try that if folks want a version, there is also a Russian aircraft shown
in a image I would like to add but I am not sure if the weapon is available on any of the existing models. 

That also is a turreted aircraft with forward firing gun, how many versions of these aircraft were there, this
project could become a life time WIP. :o

Glad you all like what you have so far guys, not sure just when the extra aircraft will be added at the moment, stay tuned.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2015, 04:42:48 AM »

Mission_Bug If you need any ww1 aircraft weapon (MG or cannon) just tell me - I have made meshes for all (up to 20mm caliber included) of them. I can send them to you. (Their java files are already present in the ww1 weapons pack I uploaded)



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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2015, 06:46:57 AM »

Hello Dreamk, that is certainly a very impressive collection of weapons you have made, outstanding. 8)

In a request to me Stalker asked for a version of the LA/LR fitted with something he called 'pulemet', which
I think was intended to be in the turret and also a forward firing, a search gave me various types of gun that
were Kalisnikov or AK but as I am not familiar with them I did not know what to use and thought maybe the gun
on the RG might suffice.

This is the image he sent, sadly no close up photograph that enabled me to compare with other weapons:

The image is not clear enough to make out exactly what the weapon is so may have been sent just to illustrate
how the weapons were mounted.

If one of those in your collection is the weapon he asked for then could you please send me that.

Also you have what I think is Vickers on a mount and that mount as a seperate item, they could be used to replicate
the photograph you posted of the wing mounted weapon.  Any of those would look superb and certainly look better than
me just attaching the existing gun in the pack on to the wing as it is.

The mount might be the prefered option as I could use the pack Vickers attached to that but I could alter the position to more
closely match your photograph.

With regard to your weapons pack is there any type of frame in there that I could use to to attach the Cooper racks to the MS, as
you see from my image it is in air so to speak and I need something that could be used to make those racks look as though they are
part of a structure bolted to the aircraft?

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2015, 07:10:10 AM »

If one is made with the wing mounted Vickers, is it possible to have a load out without that vickers using the empty mount also seen above?? This could represent an aircraft hastily unarmed or scrambled.
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2015, 08:25:39 AM »

If one is made with the wing mounted Vickers, is it possible to have a load out without that vickers using the empty mount also seen above?? This could represent an aircraft hastily unarmed or scrambled.

To do that the gun would have to be a seperate part so that the load out can be achieved in the java, the mount itself could be attached
to the model permanently though, at the moment the current machine guns are part of the model attached using the hier.

The trouble is in the cockpit folder it is necessary to add the guns mesh so you can see it, look for the bombs and you will
see you cannot see them from the cockpit even if they are added in the option screen, this is the reason each aircraft has
its own cockpit folder so you can add each of the changes that represent the different models, so in your scenario you might
not see the gun if it were added from the java.

The wing is another case, on other aircraft you can usually remove the outer part of the wing leaving only the inner section to
get rid of the holes you would see without a mesh there, this leaves the outer wing visible and providing you use the same basic
skin colour you can change skins and see those new insignia.  Sadly the Moranes wing is all one piece and even if you reduce
the length the markings will still appear from the skin1o but will all be distorted.

Without any clear indication of just how the bombs frame is fixed to the aircraft I made a rather basic frame from
parts in my Lysander, suitably reducing the diameter of the rods.  Trouble is it looks more like rigging wires at the
moment. :D

The better alternative may be just to have a bar back and front to extend the current Cooper frames to where
the undercarriage supports are to suggest the frame is bolted there.  No matter which way I do it the frame will
have to become a object applied through the java of the load out rather than as you see above where it is fixed
to the fuselage using the hier.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #46 on: November 29, 2015, 10:31:00 AM »

Ok guys, this is another attempt to make something the racks can attach to. ;)

If no one has any better suggestions this is what I will go with. :D

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2015, 11:59:40 AM »

If one is made with the wing mounted Vickers, is it possible to have a load out without that vickers using the empty mount also seen above?? This could represent an aircraft hastily unarmed or scrambled.

To do that the gun would have to be a seperate part so that the load out can be achieved in the java, the mount itself could be attached
to the model permanently though, at the moment the current machine guns are part of the model attached using the hier.

Isn't there an empty rack in the photo? It's identical to the rack beneath the Lewis gun shown. Maybe a Lewis armed varient would work as there appear to be several lewis guns to choose from. Just an idea.

P.S. All those weaponry are exquisite! Great work DreamK!!
cogito, ergo sum armatus
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