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Author Topic: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA  (Read 56179 times)

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2015, 05:33:12 PM »

Agreed, fantastic work!

I'm going to try and use the template to make French "Default" skin for the MS. Type G as I will fly on that front more often. Got it arranged like I want, but having trouble getting the skin1o.tga to show in game. I've managed to get one showing before.... So surely I'm missing something so obvious that I'll slap myself for it! 😅

I'll offer it up for anyone if I ever get it sorted out. 😄
cogito, ergo sum armatus

David Prosser

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2015, 06:57:52 PM »

Thanks for this.

DreamK, you're right about Black Adder goes Forth.


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #62 on: November 30, 2015, 08:23:50 PM »

Agreed, fantastic work!

I'm going to try and use the template to make French "Default" skin for the MS. Type G as I will fly on that front more often. Got it arranged like I want, but having trouble getting the skin1o.tga to show in game. I've managed to get one showing before.... So surely I'm missing something so obvious that I'll slap myself for it! 😅

I'll offer it up for anyone if I ever get it sorted out. 😄

fresco23, to change a default skin load the QMB and apply the skin you want to be the default to the aircraft you wish to change.

Once that is done shut down and go to the PaintSchemes folder and find a folder in there called 'cache', inside there should be folders of all the aircraft you have added a skin to.

Find the one with the name of the aircraft you want and then copy the four files from there into your summer and winter folders in the plane folder of the aircraft you want to change.

That will alter the default, you also then need to copy the skin1o.tga into the cockpit folders of the aircraft you are changing the default for.

With that done you should be good to go and when you load up again everything will show the scheme you want. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2015, 06:55:14 AM »

Oh my!! Thanks so much Mission-bug!! I'll try it after work this afternoon.
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #64 on: December 01, 2015, 10:19:27 AM »

Hello guys, the Pfalz E.III has now been added, this was a dedicated single seat fighter. ;)

It would sem only eight of these appeared at the front, regarded as ungainly and needed the
additional fin to aid stability.

Gio included the fin in the pack although what colours it I do not know. o_O

The only aircraft left I think to add is a version with the over wing Lewis gun as shown in the photograph that Dreamk
posted.  The guns and fixtures he showed would be ideal for this, hopefully he will be kind enough to make them available
so I can add them to the model folder.

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #65 on: December 01, 2015, 02:57:56 PM »

In the book "In the time of carbines" of the French Rene Chambe aviator he does quote the pleasure that his companion Roland Garros weapons, serving in the squadron MS 23 had to carry "some shells 90 with empennage" and attack troop concentrations and especially nearby railway stations battlefront covered by your aerial unit. And the emphasis on the fact that the bombs were carried by feet and dropped on the edge of the cockpit . In the early months of 1915 until your first victory yet ;

David Prosser

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #66 on: December 01, 2015, 03:58:38 PM »

Well done those modders!


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #67 on: December 01, 2015, 04:31:20 PM »

I was looking for something else and I fell on this photograph - that probably serves as inspiration for the color drawing in post 15 - both vertical and horizontal arrays.

Carrying bombs on racks on the Morane seems to have been typical of the Russians. the French looked at the Morane mainly as a reconnaissance and fighter aircraft - the Voisin L/ LA being its bomber partner. But as with the Voisins, taking makeshift bombs ("obus empennes" or often simple unmodified artillery shells, and even the ancestors of Molotov cocktails - see photos beyond) in the cockpit and dropping them overboard was common in 1914-1915 on the Western front and remained common all over the war with the Russians.
Here are some examples of Voisins with projectiles "on board"


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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #68 on: December 02, 2015, 03:52:22 AM »

Excellent photographs Dreamk !
The last two interior shots confirms for me  the hero status of these flyers .......
Imagine being the bomb dropper... taking off on a dismal day in 1915 literally surrounded by live bombs and glass bottles full of petrol and rag wicks.....



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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #69 on: December 02, 2015, 05:07:34 AM »

Thank you very much for the photographs Dreamk, the first certainly confirms the
Method for carrying the bombs.

Rather that way me thinks than sat with all those bottles besides you.

I am a little stuck on the kind of bombs to use for the Morane L in French a British service and your quote is interesting in that respect

 the French looked at the Morane mainly as a reconnaissance and fighter aircraft - the Voisin L/ LA being its bomber partner.

This is all that the Windsock on the type lists:


Obviously for the British I already added the Coopers but would the French have used those or a type of their own?

Here is the 155mm fitted:

Before I read the above spec in the Windsock I tried various Obus bombs of 75mm hung vertical but they are very thin
so that would mean I had to alter all the existing hooks to use them as they are quite a distance away from the fuselage.

What I need if I add more bombs are things of a similar diameter to the bombs already fitted.

The intention is to add the Russian bombs and also include what I can for the French and British that way the aircraft can
be used for any nation the player chooses with their own default skin added.

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #70 on: December 02, 2015, 12:00:21 PM »

Hello guys, this is the L version but with the Lewis added, I named it LF for fighter:

This still needs a dedicated fixture on which to mount it, right now it is just in fresh air so to speak. :D

Looking over the pilots shoulder:

Looking from the observer cockpit:

I cannot tell from the photograph Dreamk posted whether it is a two seater or not, the colour image of the
Russian aircraft would indicate that one is.

So, do we need one of each fitted with the wing mounted Lewis?

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

David Prosser

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Re: Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA
« Reply #71 on: December 02, 2015, 04:54:31 PM »

One of each if you have the time, and evidence. Use whatever Lewis mounting you want. Maybe the one from the Nieuport 10, as it already exists. I guess it'd only have one magazine.
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