Ok - With 412 code we have engine over-heating, reliabilty and all sorts of bells and whistles added to the new flight models. Because Team Daidalos only work within an extremely limited field of parameters, ie; WWII props and Me262's, anything else, the majority of Il2 Mods in fact, is added outside of those parameters and rarely even considered.
In particular we have a series of Modern Jets. The SAS_EngineMOD, and code developed alongside it here at SAS, has solved for everyone: Transonic/Supersonic flight models, High Alfa stall behaviour, Carrier canopy modelling, true helicopter flight models etc, etc. This code is used universally everywhere now and not acknowledged, or recognised, as widely as it should be, IMHO.
I digress: World War One - here we have a very special set of flight models that are way outside the Team Daidalos remit. - I don't know if those guys even know it exists!
Again it is SAS_EngineMOD that makes it even possible. Comparing WWI to the WWII Flight Models - We have comparitively underpowered aircraft, with very low weights, heavily restricted maximum speeds and very low high alfa and stall speeds. They just don't fit the more advanced features in the TD-412 control menu so the magic solution I always use is: Turn them off.
For Dawn of Flight Turn-OFF: Engine Overheat and Torque and Gyro Effects. The unique WWI flight models just can't all handle those features. - yet...
As SAS~Storebror points out: Some of the later mods are much improved, because they were made subsequent to TD-412 and so modellers were able to take those features into account and compensate more effectively.
I should also like to point out that the convention here at SAS really does require some detail for effective troubleshooting. This is explained and written down in the membership guidelines.
Your opening post does not specify "every aircraft" and this is, in any case, an unlikely caveat.
If you tested 20 planes, its easy enough to list them. Same for 10 or 40. Such vagueness is poor practice and it has been pointed out, with humuor, for the good of everybody.
You are a good guy vikshloss, so please take a bollocking in the right spirit and let's get on with our hobby.

(I'm so tempted to adopt that crystal ball pic as my new avatar - priceless!)