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Author Topic: CUP and Expected FPS  (Read 13356 times)

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CUP and Expected FPS
« on: December 18, 2015, 02:40:35 PM »

Hello all,

Great work on CUP and I have been pulling in the updates with regularity and utilize it effectively via TotalModder for a fast, easy transition between IL2 flavors.  Besides the CUP offerings, I also have HSFX flavors including an online, and heavily modded offline option.  One thing when running side by side comparisons between my HSFX heavily modded offering (WWII period) and CUP WAW, i notice significant FPS drop with CUP.  I run the same mission on either offering, but CUP is hit with high FPS loss averaging around 20fps where as the same experience on my heavy HSFX modded shows 40+ FPS.  Log review shows some errors/missing elements here or there, but the mission overall runs ok.  Thus question, is there anything in CUP WAW that is a known FPS heavy hit which could be disabled via the configurable options?  I saw there is a light air.ini offering which is of interest as indeed, even my heavily modded hsfx version has a much smaller air.ini footprint than CUP.  Though, was wondering if there are any other aspects in CUP that are known FPS heavy hitters that perhaps could be disabled?

All in all though, great job with CUP and all the flavors offered and the simplicity of the integration into an IL2 clean base install.  On top of that, with TotalModder to switch among the flavors is also an excellent choice for quick efficient usage.  I still use JSGME to load up some core elements such as the HD dlls but all of CUP is managed by TM.   

Note, I am running a GTX 970 FTW.



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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2015, 03:33:26 PM »

I use almost only CUP (but every now and then HSFX and my own branded ZRN-mods via TotalModder).

For FPS have a look there: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45993.0.html about lightened air.ini.
I found as well that EngineWep2.eff erros can slow things down if present.

Generally if you are looking at a massive dogfight (60+ planes) my machine will slow down as well.
I have a GTX 960 and normally sits happily at ~60FPS in CUP with all bells and whistles.


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2015, 08:25:32 PM »

Can you run the Black Death track in both of your installs and tell us the results (average fps)?

Plus a logfile ;)


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2015, 08:24:48 AM »

CUP is a CPU heavy MOD, I did some testing with it when i was in the process of updating my system. Please see here for the results:


What is your monitor size and resolution?


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2015, 08:48:29 AM »

SAS modact and 4.12 has very good fps by default. Any performance problem you get in CUP will be caused by one or more mods which were added. These mods have bugs, and not all bugs are visible in the logfile. My testing method is to run the FMB with fps counter on (Shift+Tab > fps SHOW START) and load every vehicle and object and see if theres an fps drop. It's also interesting to see how many objects you can place from one type before theres an fps drop.


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2015, 08:50:27 AM »

I found as well that EngineWep2.eff erros can slow things down if present.

Can you explain how could an effect only displayed at engine startup influence the overall game fps? :)


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2015, 01:15:19 PM »

Can you explain how could an effect only displayed at engine startup influence the overall game fps? :)
If you have rogue EngineWep2.eff errors, in missions where you have many aircrafts starting their engines at the same time, I would get a drop to 5-10 FPS, not nice when you are doing your own startup routine...
It could typically happens when I test airfields, with 20 to 30 aircrafts starting their engines more or less simultaneously. I am not really patient if can't even taxi! Or if this was my first ever mission in CUP I would ditch the whole thing ... actually I wouldn't, I would check the logfile  ;)
For solutions, there has been a lot of correspondence about it in particular at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46388.0.html.


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2015, 11:43:16 AM »

The fps drop is only in the WAW module (30fps for WAW, 130fps for the odder modules in fmb empty map loaded)


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2015, 01:15:23 AM »

The fps drop is only in the WAW module
And there have been plenty of solutions to this posted ever since it started, there's even one in this thread.
Guys I'm not sure what you expect if reading back 5 posts is already too much.
If you expect to be spoon-fed all the time then this might not always come true, thinking yourself is virtue.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2015, 12:13:44 AM »

There is no solution so far for this fps drop, it had nothing to do whit to much objects or to much planes.. Its something in the background when you load a map that take lot off energy away for some reason.. Anyway, CUP is a fantastic game whit all the modules and this things could happen in modded games...and I am not thinking off myself, just want to help.
Maybe I better delete my post also ...


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2016, 02:28:37 PM »

Dear Sirs,
there is a very interesting single game named "Channel dash torpedo attack" that I played with the old version of CUP WAW 12 if I remenber well, it went smoothly. I tried the mission again with full CUP WAW and got 2 fps. I vainly searched for the reason but found none. Other single missions with the Swordfish run smoothly. In another campaign I got an fps of 3, I checked the campaign with the "Il2 validation script v02" and found a missing object named "stationary vehicles.stationary.Cand$FireUnit" I changed Fireunit into NavUnit and got 30 fps. So in this case just a missing object reduced the fps from 30 to 3. Unfortunately the script is valid for campaign and not for single mission.
Any idea?
Best regards
Intel Core Duo E8400 3GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2x2 gb DDR2 1066 mHZ


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2016, 07:15:57 AM »

Can you run the Black Death track in both of your installs and tell us the results (average fps)?

Plus a logfile ;)

Finally got around to running this test.  The compare is the latest version of CUP WAW (pt 17) with maps (pt14) vs a personal heavily modded HSFX Expert base.  The modded HSFX offering comprises much with focus on extensive map set, latest static and stationary/chief objects.  Plane set is expanded but not nearly as expansive as CUP.  Likely biggest difference is that the HSFX version does not include the SAS Engine mod.

As for the compare results.

The Black Death used for default compare track.

FPS results:
 - CUP:  avg:  21;  max:  78
 - modded HSFX:  avg: 40; max: 107

Log size:
 - CUP:  5+mb
 - modded HSFX:  88kb

Result Summary:
Key is the size difference of the log files.  Of course, CUP with all the aircraft includes many lines included for the aircraft inits, though interestingly while the track ran, there were many errors in the logs.  Perhaps if someone else with CUP could run Black Death and see if similar results occur.  Note, I also had the following JSGME/base options ON for the CUP WAW test:
 - CUP VisualMOD 9
 - CUP Gore for all planes
 - CUP Forgotten countries
 - CUP FOV Mod
 - WAW German Gunpods...
 - WAW Random belt start pos
 - WAW HQ Props
 - WAW JC Effects
 - WAW Soundset 1
 - WAW

Additionally, here are links to the log files for review:


Modded HSFX

Further testing:  I plan to run another test of CUP with only the WAW and sound options chosen to see if any improvement; however, with these logs there are some key nuggets to see which are of interest.  Of course, of folks with CUP run Black Death and have a much cleaner log, please reply as perhaps my CUP install, though runs, is bugged.

UPDATE:  Ran with only WAW and the soundset1 with similar results.  One key finding though in the log is the following:
Code: [Select]
[2:19:38 PM]    INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/base.mat'
[2:19:38 PM]    WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/base.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM]    INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/OpelBlitzTextures/damage64.tga'
[2:19:38 PM]    WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/OpelBlitzTextures/damage64.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM]    INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
[2:19:38 PM]    WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/Damage.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM]    INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Damage.mat'
[2:19:38 PM]    Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/dead.sim not created
[2:19:38 PM]    com.maddox.il2.engine.GObjException: Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/dead.sim not created

[2:19:38 PM]    INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/Damage.mat'
[2:19:38 PM]    WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/Damage.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM]    INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Damage.mat'
[2:19:38 PM]    Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/dead.sim not created
[2:19:38 PM]    com.maddox.il2.engine.GObjException: Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/dead.sim not created

This will definitely cause FPS loss and tons of repetitive java error entries.  Do others see this error when running the Black Death track with CUP?

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