This is an aircraft request.
Subject: Incom T-65B
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation(Fictional)
Affiliation: T-65 variants were fielded by a host of small planetary governments, sector defense forces and mercenary groups, but is famous for its use by the tiny rebel alliance in their campaign to overthrow the Galactic Empire.
A Rebel Alliance T-65 in action against Imperial forces.

Early in the Galactic Civil War, Incom Corporations leadership was increasingly sympathetic toward the Rebel Alliance, and began development in secret of the soon to be famous Incom T-65 series of Starfighters.
Drawing on developments proven in their ealier designs, specifically the widely distributed and battle proven Z-95 "Headhunter" series, and its larger cousin, the Clone War Era ARC-170 Starfighter, Incom's new fighter would become one of the most versatile and dependable starfighters in large scale production.
Sub-light propulsion was achieved by use of four 4L4 Fusial Thrust Engines of Incom's Own design. These would prove to be rugged, and reliable engines and were capable of driving the craft as fast as almost all adversaries for most of its active career. This would make T-65 a staple of Rebel alliance fleet defense operations for their large flotillas of Medical supply and Troop carriers. Many medium sized vessels, and most capitol ships operate large hangers, from which the T-65 and other starfighters could be garrisoned on voyages, and scrambled at a moments notice.
One of the T-65 series most endearing qualities was its inclusion of an on-board Hyper-drive unit. This one feature made the T-65 leap from a simple Superiority starfighter, to a capable scout platform able to branch out from its host fleet to scout for enemy movement, or support friendly troops in operations not requiring fleet action.
This ALSO meant that the T-65 flights could perform a hyperdrive "jump" alongside their attending fleet, particularly in the case when enemy presence was expected at the destination. This would allow the fighters to avoid trying to scramble into action in a hostile environment, under fire, and could allow them to gain the upper hand if ambushing an enemy position, ship, or fleet.
Another way this could enhance the fighters performance, was by allowing rapid escape from enemy fleets. This would be most evident in instances where overwhelming and effective enemy fire would make the task of recovering so many fighters extremely dangerous to Alliance fleet vessels. The T-65 could continue to engage enemy forces as a screen, while capitol ships made their escape, and then follow with their own hyper-drive systems once the fleet was clear.
Defence and repair:
As defense against enemy fire, the T-65 was equipped with a fairly powerful deflector shield array developed by Chempat Engineered Defenses. This allowed modulation to best protect against various weaponry, and could be focused more heavily in a particular quadrant of the craft as needed, dependent on the situation and incoming fire.
In flight repair was conducted by the included Astromech Droid that was stationed in a port directly abaft of the cockpit. These droids were directly tied into the crafts systems during flight and had access to not only the deflector systems and weaponry, but were the primary method of calculating a Hyper-drive "jump" calculation, as there was no on-board hyperdrive computer. The droid could also be called on to pilot the craft in emergencies, and could perform rudimentary repairs to engine systems and components in flight. Many variety of Astromech droids types were known to be fielded on various T-65 models including R2 units, R4 units, R5 units, and various others.
Primary armament was in the presence of 4 Tiam-and-Bak KX9 Laser Cannon. These powerful cannon were mounted one each to the fighter's signature S-Foils, which when deployed in the battle ready position, resembled an "X" turned on its side from both front and rear. This gave the fighter its widely known nickname "X-Wing". The KX9 Cannon were far superior to most Imperial fighter weaponry giving the Incom fighter a distinct advantage in any 1-on-1 engagement, and proving dangerous even to much larger capitol ships on occasion. The KX9 cannon were able to be fired one at a time, in alternating pairs, or all at once, depending on the need.
Secondary armament came in the form of a pair of Krupx MG-7 torpedo launchers, nestled in the belly of the craft below the cockpit. These could be fires individually or simultaneously. Each launcher was equipped with a magazine of 3 MG-7A Proton Torpedoes. These missiles have a range of more than half a kilometer. These could be locked onto key targets by the on-board weapon computer in the cockpit. Later torpedoes could be equipped that were guided by sensor and able to effectively target enemy fighters in close combat.
In the field:
Besides their capable ability to take and hold superiority in a deep space environment, the Incom T-65 was a versatile and capable fighter within a planets atmosphere as well, capable of landing on the surface, and being deployed from hangers, or the rough field as needed. This is in stark contrast to its primary opponent, the Imperial T.I.E./LN Starfighter, which, except for rare models, could not "land" in the traditional sense, and must be ferried from star-system to star-system by larger attendant vessels, and lacked a Hyper-drive of their own.
Incom T-65 fighters were known to be fielded in atmosphere many times during the Galactic Civil War by the Rebel Alliance, and were no doubt based planet-side by many, if not all, of the smaller mercenary groups and planetary defense forces that fielded them.
Ejection was possible from the T-65, though inadvisable in deep space, and dangerous at high speeds within atmosphere.

The S-foils closed for primary operations.

The S-foil open in attack position.

The 4L4 Engine detail

The KX9 Cannon

The MG-7A Proton Torpedo carried by T-65s early in the Gallactic Civil War.

The Astromech Droid

For Cockpit detail, i found several arrangements of instrumentation and screens, but this variation is the most common by far, so ill take it to be most likely correct for a "Civil War" era craft. Later models of "X-wing" may have differed.

A lovely 3D model!

Length: 12.5 meters
Maximum atmospheric speed: 1,050 km/h (higher speeds possible with deflector shields on)
Countermeasures: Deflector Shield + Aft chaff/flare launcher (1)
Armament: 2 Krupx MG7 Torpedo Launchers, and 4 Tiam and Bak KX9 Laser Cannon.
Crew: 1 Pilot + 1 Astromech Droid.
Cargo Capacity: 110 Kilograms + crew + 1 Weeks consumables.
I think that this starfighter, though entirely fictional be a unique and fun addition to our game! We already know that its posted atmospheric speed can be handled by our game, and S-foil movement could be modeled in various ways.
Hopefully this request will generate some interest in this classic starfighter!
Thanks to ALL modders for all you do for us! And your unending patience!