a question for Gabriel - i just want to confirm something about the instructions with this pack 7, specifically the instructions in the file '_Control_your_Technics.ini'
which asks me to replace my current technics entries with new ones.
i've already made the changes to the two GAZ67 entries, as they are merely adding extra meshes.
my concern lies with the entries for the Katyusha and the Studebecker Rocket launcher.
let me use the Katyusha as the example - the instruction asks me to replace the existing entry with this one:
Description USSR's rocket car
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Cars/Katyusha/Summer/live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Cars/Katyusha/DMG/dead.him
MeshWinter 3do/Cars/Katyusha/Winter/live.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Cars/Katyusha/DMG/dead.him
// Panzer
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 3.5
PanzerBodyFront 0.005
// Weapon
Gun CannonRocketSimpleRS132
NumShells 5000
AttackMaxDistance 8000.0
AttackMaxRadius 8000.0
AttackMaxHeight 8000.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch +20.0
now, my current technics entry for the Katyusha looks as follows:
Description USSR's rocket car
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Cars/Katyusha/live.him
MeshWinter 3do/Cars/Katyusha/Winter/live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Cars/Katyusha/dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 3.5
PanzerBodyFront 0.005
// Weapon
Gun CannonRocketSimpleRS132
NumShells 5000
AttackMaxDistance 6000.0
AttackMaxRadius 6000.0
AttackMaxHeight 1000.0
HeadYawHalfRange 10.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch 15.0
[color=red]GunMaxPitch +44.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 12.0 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 12.0 // ??
DelayAfterShoot 30.0
ChainfireTime 10.0
FastTargetsAngleError 20.0[/color]
// Moving
SoundMove models.Tank
StayWhenFire 0
SpeedAverage 19.0
SpeedMax 26.0
SpeedBack 5.0
RotSpeedMax 60.0 // ??
RotInvisAng 70.0
BestSpace 13.0
AfterCollisionDist 6.1
CommandInterval 1.6
StayInterval 1.5
in this example, my concern lies with the fact that i will be overwriting (in essence, eliminating) several parameters from the weapons section,
specifically those highlighted in red. sorry, seems we can't color text in the code box.
is this correct?
i think not, but will be pleasantly relieved if you say it's okay

(Modact 530 version, btw)
a further confusion for me here is the last bit of the same instruction file, this:
// LAL-Rhone
Description Fiat Truck
Icon Car
// Models
MeshDesert 3do/Cars/Fiat-Truck/desert/Live.him
MeshDesertDamage 3do/Cars/Fiat-Truck/damage/dead.him
MeshSummer 3do/Cars/Fiat-Truck/summer/Live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Cars/Fiat-Truck/damage/dead.him
MeshWinter 3do/Cars/Fiat-Truck/winter/Live.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Cars/Fiat-Truck/damage/dead.him
i have no such LAL-Rhone entry in my technics file, so with this one i am at a total loss....
i have all your vehicle packs installed, so don't know where this might come from....